Piloting the Study Modules: Students feedback on Teaching Practice
Two study modules for the teacher trainees have been developed in 2021-2022. During project's visits to the universities in Mozambique the project partners interviewed the teacher trainees about the study modules.

14 Key Experts from the two Mozambican partner universities have developed two study modules for teacher trainees. Module “Constructivism” concerns the current learning theories and Module “Assessment in active and collaborative approach” provides the theory basis and practical examples of assessment. The newly developed Study Module Constructivism was piloted with selected groups of teacher trainees at the two faculties.
During the trip in Mozambique, we’ve had chances to hear students’ feedbacks on the pilot of Module constructivism. Let’s see what the students have learned about constructivism and their thoughts on that.
Students' thoughts about the training module
Tell me, I forget; show me, I understand, involving me, I learn.
It’s a good tool, that we expected. Instead of receiving the knowledge, constructivism give student possibilities to say and do something, putting teacher and student together, student can build their own knowledge under teacher’s guidance.
During HEI-ICI TEPATE project's visits to the universities in Mozambique the project partners interviewed the teacher trainees about the study module Constuctivism.
I enjoyed it, as a teacher-to-be, I started looking at things in a different way.
You have to guide the students to get the content, rather than giving the content directly.
During HEI-ICI TEPATE project's visits to the universities in Mozambique the project partners interviewed the teacher trainees about the study modules.
It’s amazing!
It teach student how to adapt to new environment ... and critical thinking skills.
I believe the strategy of involving of student in a certain activity, truly helps.
What is teacher’s role?
Get to know the students, treat students equally, have to know how to transfer the knowledge to students...
Teacher should summarize and correct, it’s not so simple as asking “you understand?
To be self-critical.
Useful feedback for the development work in TEPATE
The interviews with the students gave the TEPATE project partners useful feedback for the development work of teacher training and were a part of creating the study modules which is included in the project output 2: Development of teacher education study programmes and strengthening the quality and relevance of the teacher training programmes at UP Maputo and ISET One World.
Interview is facilitated by Juha Hautanen, Head of Department, Jamk School of Professional Teacher Education.
More videos on Youtube!
Thank you students for the interview!