HEI-ICI projects tackling the global learning crisis
Three HEI-ICI projects providing the expertise to solve learning crisis in three country contexts between 2020-2024.
JAMK School of Professional Teacher Education has provided Finnish teacher education since 1962. Since 1997, the School has also provided its pedagogical expertise for the development of education systems and teacher education programmes in developing country contexts. Committed to international cooperation, the School has by today delivered development projects in various country contexts with the support of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and the EU.
Between 2020-2024, we are providing our expertise to solve learning crisis in three country contexts
With the support of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with both Finnish and the Southern partners, our experts engage in the development of the individual and institutional capacities of Ethiopian, Nepalese, and Mozambican higher educations through three respective projects.
Recent news and articles
Digital transformation of learning environments in Ethiopian vocational education - new guidebook published
Get to know the projects
Background - why are we developing education internationally?
HEI-ICI projects contributing to solving the global learning crisis
Education is a fundamental human right and is essential for realising other human rights. Access to quality education means empowering people by helping them to acquire skills, knowledge, values and attitudes that are critical to secure their basic socio-economic needs and enable the sustainable development of their societies. During 2020–2024 JAMK University of Applied Sciences will develop teacher training in Ethiopia, Nepal and Mozambique with a total of EUR 3.8 million in HEI-ICI project funding, thus tackling the global learning crisis.
JAMK & international development cooperation
In all our development activities, we aim at long-lasting and locally sustainable results.
Previous Projects in Developing Countries
- TECIP - Cooperation in Ethiopia: Teacher Educators in Higher Education as Catalysts for Inclusive Practices in Technical and Vocational Education 2017-2020.
- TPP-Nepal: Teacher Preparation Programme through ODL Mode for Enhancing Quality in Education, TPP-Nepal 2017-2020.
- EATHEN in Nepal: Equitable access to higher education for students with disabilities and students from marginalized groups in Nepal 2019-2022.
- Building Open Opportunities for Students and Teacher in Vietnam: BOOST project 2013 - 2014
Our approach – Ensuring impact:
- builds on strengthening local developing competences
- commitment to sustainable and long-term co-operation
- Alignment to the Finnish development strategy in a given country context AND the national development strategies and aims of the country
- is based on a clearly acknowledged need in the target country
- for feasible, sustainable results the projects are designed in close collaboration with the beneficiaries and with the support of external experts.
Our Areas of Expertise
- Student-centred pedagogy
- Guidance and counselling
- Diverse learners
- Educational technologies
- Education and working-life collaboration