MOPEDE Ethiopia

Capacity Building for Modernizing TVET Pedagogy in Ethiopia (MOPEDE) focuses on to improve and modernize the accessibility and quality of Vocational Education and Training (VET) teacher education around Ethiopia by institutionalized and curricula integrated e-learning, updated teaching and learning methods and student-centered pedagogy. This will support the quality and accessibility of TVET teacher training around Ethiopia.

Skateboarder jumps in the middle of a city street in Addis Ababa

Capacity building for modernizing TVET pedagogy in Ethiopia

As an outcome of the project the E-learning will be institutionalized in Ethiopian Technical University (ETU) and its 15 satellite colleges and integrated into their curricula to update teaching and learning methods, and by doing so to support the quality of TVET teacher training around Ethiopia and to increase the access to it. Additionally, new training modules will be developed for FTVTI and piloted for the use in future. 

The project scope involves all regions in Ethiopia via cascading training model.

By doing this, the project contributes to the aim of the Government of Ethiopia to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 4. of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.


Summer 2024

MOPEDE Final seminar on June 26, 2024 

The final seminar was organized at TVTI's main campus. The program included MOPEDE project briefing: project context and project-level aims presentation, the aims and results of individual outputs, and initial findings of an external evaluation of the consortium's work. On a panel discussion project's work, and long-term effect on TVTI, continuing development of TVET in Ethiopia and the East Africa region, were discussed.


MOPEDE project team met in Addis Ababa to develop pedagogical solutions for vocational teacher training in January 2023. 

Large group of people standing and smiling on school stairs

MOPEDE project in 2020-2021

MOPEDE is turned on (Feb 2021)

The Capacity Building for Modernizing TVET Pedagogy in Ethiopia (MOPEDE) – project’s official opening event was held online on 26th January 2021.

Read more about the opening event

Over 50 representatives from partners and cooperatives in Ethiopia and Finland attended the event. Experts from Finnish partner universities JAMK and Centria, Federal TVET Institute and its Satellite colleges, Federal TVET Agency, Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE), and Addis Ababa University (AAU) were present, including guests from other collaborating and stakeholder organizations.

In the opening words Mr. Teshale Berecha, Director General of FTI, highlighted the importance of capacity building for distance work and education within digital tools and platforms. We need to challenge ourselves frequently for finding accessible ways to work, teach and study. 

MOPEDE project has officially started in September 2020 (Jan 2021)

Despite the challenging Covid -situation, partners were committed to the project with innovative and optional ways using the digital tools and communication channels for cooperation. 

During the Inception phase key experts were organized in four sub teams following the project outputs. Each subteam created shared understanding of the aims, needs and objectives and complited the activities and project plan for next three years. The base line analysis for e-learning service portfolio, current situation of ICT related facilities and pedagogical competences was one of the key activities done in the first months of the project. This gave the guidelines for project monitoring and indicators to follow the progress during the project. Inception phase duties required over 30 meetings and two workshops online among partners. Despite the challenging situation over 50 employees of FTI and its satellite colleges joined the e-learning workshop in November. This was a meaningful event for all of us. All the work done in 3-4 months created shared understanding of the project aim and objectives, described the roles and responsibilities and most of all built up team spirit among the key experts and partners.

In the elearning workshop we discussed how the student can access the learning content and communicate with peers and teacher. These were current issues also to solve for cooperative project work in the Inception phase. Author: Pauliina Silvennoinen

Results from the baseline study

The results of the Baseline Research show that the attitudes towards e-learning are positive and 71 % of the answerers were very interested in developing their e-learning skills, as a teacher. Support for accessing and using technology and different e-learning tools is needed, and skill gaps, internet infrastructure and internet connections may be the biggest barriers when the teachers are trying to take advantage of e-learning.

Respondents also stated that inclusion can be promoted by e-learning technology designing it in user friendly way. The Baseline Research is a fruitful way to start the development activities in Ethiopia. The summary is written by Anne Harmoinen, Centria.


TVET in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is the second most populous nation in Africa and the fastest growing economy in the region. TVET sector supports job-specific skills that are relevant in all parts of Ethiopia, in which vast majority of inhabitants live in rural areas.


Jamk University of Applied Sciences

Coordinator, Finland 

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Ethiopian Technical University


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Centria University of Applied Sciences


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Associated Partners

Beside the partners MOPEDE project is associated with experts and advisors of

  • University of Addis Ababa
  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Ethiopia
  • Federal Technical Vocational Education and Training Agency

Cooperation and synergies are reach also with other development projects in the area for pedagogical development in vocational and higher education.

For more information

The project coordinator in Finland: 

Graham Burns

Hankesuunnittelija, Project Specialist
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

Contact in Ethiopia

Matiyas Teshome 

ICT Director and Local Project Coordinator 

Ethiopian Technical University (ETU) 

Ministry of Science and Higher Education 

+251 911 174 322 

[email protected] 



The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, HEI-ICI

The project is based on the long-term collaboration between the participating HEIs that has strengthened the collaboration in inclusive education between the partners in previous development projects during the years 2017-2020: TECIP project 

Project management

Project board: 

Chair of the Board: Director Teshale Berecha  
Ethiopian Technical University (ETU) 

Mr. Haftom Gebregziabher,
Deputy Director General Academics, Ethiopian Technical University (ETU) 

Mr. Eniyew Getinet,
Deputy Director General Research and Community Engagement, Ethiopian Technical University (ETU)  

Mr. Habtamu Kibret,
Deputy Director General (FTA)

Dr. Yishak Degefu,
Faculty Dean Vocational Pedagogy, Ethiopian Technical University (ETU) 

Mr. Matiyas Teshome,
Director ICT Directorate, Ethiopian Technical University (ETU) 

Mrs. Pauliina Silvennoinen,
Project Manager (Jamk) 

Dr. Hannele Torvinen,
Head of Department, Vice Director of the School of Professional Teacher Education (Jamk) 

Dr. Pekka Makkonen,
Principal Lecturer (Centria)