Podcast – Solving the global learning crisis. Welcome to the podcast series on how to solve the global learning crisis! The series is produced in The Higher Education Institutions Institutional Cooperation Instrument (HEI ICI) programme with the support of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Latest episodes:
Earlier episodes:
The way forward is up, right? No, it’s C3 - Episode 12
Communication, collaboration and co-creation (C3) is used in all aspects of our joint project work, this includes developing blended learning skills and resources in higher education. Why is online and distance learning such a hot topic in the country, what is Nepal Open University’s role is its development, and how can two key higher education institutions work together to make it a success? Listen to the answers to these questions in our latest episode as Dr Bed Prasad Dhakal, Deputy Director of the Online and Distance Education Centre, Tribhuvan University discusses the issue with Prof Shilu Manandhar Bajracharya, Vice Chancellor of the Nepal Open University.
Podcast is produced by:
Prof Shilu Manandhar Bajracharya, Nepal Open University
Dr Bed Prasad Dhakal, Tribhuvan University
Graham Burns, project manager, Jamk University of Applied Sciences
Collaboration and Co-creation in the TEPATE project - Episode 11
One of the aims of the project Theory-practise Balance in Teacher Education is to produce 3 new study modules to the teacher education programmes of our Mozambican partner universities. The first module is now waiting to be piloted with teacher trainees. In this episode hosted by the local project coordinator Roger González Margalef from the ISET One World University, 5 Key Experts of the TEPATE project discuss how they have felt the collaborative work in TEPATE so far.
The other key experts discussing in the episode are Dr. Sarita Henriksen and Sansão Timbane from the Pedagogical University of Maputo, Helder Pedro from ISET One World, and Project Manager Irmeli Maunonen-Eskelinen from Jamk University of Applied Sciences.
Technical challenges for blended learning in Ethiopia - Episode 10
When a university has campuses dispersed over a large area there big technical huddles to be overcome. Listen to Matiyas Teshome and his colleagues Naol Anbessie and Fikadu Aweke discussing the difficulties they will need to overcome to ensure that each of the ETU’s 15 satellite campuses will have stable internet connections to access the new blended learning resources being created.
Episode 10 in Soundcloud | Text transcript (pdf), episode 10
How is the role of women and girls changing in academia in Nepal? - Episode 9
Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representative, recently said that to build back better, the world must build back with women but is that currently happening in Nepalese academia?
In this episode that very question is discussed with Dr. Usha Acharya from the Nepal Open University. Listen in and discover how the role of women is changing in Nepal’s universities.
Listen to this episode on Soundcloud
How has COVID affected Mozambique? - Episode 8
In this episode, recorded on Tuesday the 31st of August, we discuss how our partner universities’ staff and students have coped in the pandemic. On the Friday preceding the recording (August 27), the President of Mozambique announced that face-to-face lessons would be re-allowed at all levels of education after having been banned in the capital Maputo since May, when COVID-19 infection rates were increasing. In rural areas, the restrictions have been slightly lighter.
However, the pandemic is still far from being over, and it has already taken its toll on children, university students, teachers, and university staff. How have the Mozambican education system and teachers coped in the pandemic, and what does the future hold?
In this episode, joining us again are Dr Sarita Henriksen from the Pedagogical University of Maputo, and Roger González Margalef from One World University. Sarita and Roger work as coordinators of the TEPATE project.
Listen to this episode on Soundcloud
HEI ICI supporting the development of teacher education in Mozambique - Episode 7
In this podcast, we talk about the HEI ICI instrument with the Programme Manager Kaija Pajala from the Finnish National Agency for Education. After that, we ask the local project coordinators from ISET One World and Universidade Pedagogica de Maputo what being a teacher in Mozambique is like today. Also participating Janette Peltokorpi from our Finnish partner, the University of Lapland.
Listen to this episode on Soundcloud
How about gender equity in education? - Episode 6
“Oh, no woman again” were the words Ms. Selome Fantahun heard when she started her career as a Lecturer at Ethiopian Technical University in the BCT department (Building construction). Ms. Selome explores some fascinating gender issues related to Ethiopian education culture. She calls for awareness creation and increased access to leadership positions for female candidates.
Listen to this episode on Soundcloud
Online learning capacity building in Ethiopia - Episode 5
An interview with Matiyas Teshome
The Capacity Building for Modernizing TVET Pedagogy in Ethiopia project develops elearning, the use of technology and the capacity of teachers working with online learning tools. The local coordinators at the Ethiopian Technical University have started their work and the process moves to its 15 satellite colleges to support the development of the quality of TVET around Ethiopia. The local coordinator Matiyas Teshome discusses with Eila Burns about what is going on in the project at the moment.
Overseas education development through HEI-ICI - Episode 4
An interview with Mr. Pekka Seppälä
Mr. Seppälä from the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs discusses the broad overseas development goals relating to education with Graham Burns.
Listen to and find out what ‘solving the learning crisis’ means from the Ministry’s point of view!
Online learning in Nepal - Episode 3
An interview with Dr Jeevan Khanal
“Online-learning is not yet appreciated in Nepal”, says Dr Jeevan Khanal from Nepal Open University in his interview with Eila Burns. Tune in to discover what else he tells us about the challenges faced in implementing open and online learning in Nepal. Read also: Article by Jeevan Khanal.
Listen to this episode on Soundcloud
Podcasting in Higher Education - Episode 2
Podcasting can be used as a part of higher education both as a reporting method and as a pedagogic tool. Pilvi Kivelä shares on this episode her tips and instructions for podcasting in higher education and the HEI-ICI projects.
Listen to this episode on Soundcloud
Claudio Ordaz talks about the podcast’s theme tune with Eila Burns - Episode 1
Even “the Maestro” goes out of his comfort zone to learn new things.
Listen to an experienced musician Claudio Ordaz and find out if his background in classical music helped or hindered him to create music for a podcast.
Listen to this episode on Soundcloud
Text transcripts:
Text transcripts are available as a pdf file, open them by clicking the episode name below.
- Music Branding - Claudio Ordaz talks about the podcast's theme tune (pdf)
- Podcasting in higher education (pdf)
- Online learning in Nepal, an interview with Dr. Jeevan Khanal (pdf)
- Overseas education development through HEI-ICI (pdf)
- Online learning capacity building in Ethiopia (pdf)
- How about gender equity in education? (pdf)
- HEI ICI supporting the development of teacher education in Mozambique (pdf)
- How has Covid affected Mozambique? (pdf)
- How is the role of women and girls changing in academia in Nepal? (pdf)
- Technical challenges for blended learning in Ethiopia (pdf)
- Text transcript available later: episode 11
Production team
In JAMK University of Applied Sciences:
Eila Burns
Graham Burns
Aki Virmalainen
Eeva Lehtonen
Anna-Kaisa Tiihonen
Initial ideas and design by
Ratih Adiputri, Pilvi Kivelä & Claudio Ordaz,
Student teachers of the School of Professional Teacher Education
Matiyas Teshome, Ethiopian Technical University
Local teams in Nepal, Ethiopia and Mozambique
Theme Music by
Claudio Ordaz,
PhD, Music; Lecturer of Music, Northeast Lapland Music Institute
More information: Read the article on USAToday