Innovative and Sustainable Pedagogies for Digital Green Case Study-based Teaching 4 VET
1.11.2021 - 31.5.2023
Erasmus+ Key Action 2
Projektin kuvaus
The key objective of the Sustain4VET project is to develop an inventory of living green case studies and
innovative pedagogies for collaborative online living case study-based teaching.
VET teachers will be trained in the use of innovative pedagogies for online case study-based teaching, and be able to test the designed case studies and innovative pedagogies in practice.
This project aims to start activities with national bodies for systemic integration of developed pedagogies into the educational framework of French, Slovene, Croatian and + VET in transport and logistics.
Projektin tulokset
- Set of logistics and transport LIVING GREEN case studies for
collaborative online case study based teaching and learning in VET in
logistics and transport - Pedagogical guide for VET teachers
in logistics and transport and trainers in logistics and transport for
the development and design of living case studies appropriate for online
teaching and learning - Set of innovative pedagogies for online living case study-based teaching and learning in VET in logistics and transport
- Pedagogical guide for online living case study-based teaching and learning for VET in logistics and transport
- Online training in innovative pedagogies for online living case study-
based teaching and learning for VET teachers in transport and logistics - Online testing in innovative pedagogies & teaching by using a green live case study

Logistiikka-alan kansainvälinen projekti julkaisee käsikirjan ammatillisen koulutuksen opettajille
Sustain4VET -projektin valmistelema käsikirja ammatillisen koulutuksen opettajille valmistuu vuoden 2023 alussa. Käsikirja auttaa logistiikka-alan opettajia suunnittelemaan ja toteuttamaan pedagogisesti mielekkäitä oppimisprosesseja.