YAMK-koulutus vahvaksi TKI-vaikuttajaksi on Suomen ammattikorkeakoulujen valtakunnallinen verkostohanke. Kehittämisen tavoitteena on uudistaa YAMK...
The implementation of the European bioeconomy occurs under the impulsion of entrepreneurs (ranging from carbon-based industries to farmers and...
The wider objective of the project is to promote the reformation and modernisation of the higher education in the Russian federation. The specific...
Lokakuussa JAMK ja KESTO (jota hallinnoi BENET oy) valmistelevat kokeilua kokoamalla tietoa mm. olemassa olevista veden säästömenetelmistä, veden...
The vision is to set up a sustainable European Doctoral Program (EDP) specialized on career guidance and counselling (CGC, our field) which offers...
There are several achievements to the project: Development and application of a comprehensive methodology of IA of EQA procedures in HEIs which is...
Continuous changes in school curriculum, and efforts to modernize teaching and learning in Kosovo schools, have been placing increasing demands on...
The aim of the Soulbus project is to build social capital between HEIs and labour market. The project enhances mutual communication and strengthens...
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