GeNEdu Results

Contents and results
GeNEdu project contents include identifying core competences for gerontological nursing education; organising train-the-trainers workshops with mentoring approach; co-creating Living Labs at each campus of three Chinese institutions, piloting e-learning courses and practical training trials, and developing competence-based curricula. The main results of the project are estimated as the following:
a) A verified Competence Framework describing the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in gerontological nursing;
b) Handbook on Gerontological Nursing Education for Chinese partner institutions, including Training material on competence-based education and evidence-based education.
c) Built Living Labs;
d) Common structure for accredited 30 ECTS-credit modules in gerontological nursing integrated to the nursing curricula of each Chinese partner institution
The project expects to move the approach of gerontological nursing in China from the care for elderly people towards care with elderly people for successful aging. Also the focus on gerontological nursing education shifts from the traditional, theory-based and teacher-centred pedagogy towards practice oriented, student-centered learning.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The publications on this site reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.