GeNEdu News

Read more about GeNEdu events, recent updates and activities.


GeNEdu Newsletter - GeNEdu project accomplishes the journey

Six project partner institutions across four countries are together approaching the moment of celebration and appreciation. Let’s mark the successful ending of the journey and thank all the participants, supports and contribution.


GeNEdu blog: Management of GeNEdu Project

The success of a project depends on how well the project management is organized. In GeNEdu project there are several factors which make this project very special and at the same time highlight the importance of project management quality.


GeNEdu project’s important step forward: final conferences succeeded in China!

After more than 3.5 years, the GeNEdu project members eventually gathered face-to-face at Guangdong Medical University (GDMU), Dongguan, China, attending the Final Conference (FC) and International Gerontological Nursing Summit (IGNS) from 18th to 21st of September 2023.


Work Package 2.3 closed through the successful completion of the Living Lab Trial at Beihua University, China

In the last week of April 2023, the Living Lab Trial at Beihua University successfully completed in Jilin, China, after a COVID-caused-delay of almost one year.


GeNEdu blog: what is the quality assurance work for GeNEdu project?

One of the GeNEdu project work packages is WP 3 Quality assurance and monitoring. Quality assurance (hereinafter as “QA”) plays a central role in the implementation of quality management.


GeNEdu Newsletter vol. 3 published!

Welcome to the third issue of GeNEdu project news in bilingual! This issue recaps the Review Workshop held from 1st to 3rd of Nov. 2022.


GeNEdu News: The letter from a lead expert of Jamk written on the third anniversary of GeNEdu project implementation

GeNEdu project has come far and accomplished aims due to common efforts and excellent collaboration.


GeNEdu Newsletter vol. 2 published!

We are pleased to Welcome You to read our second newsletter, and looking forward to your valuable feedback. We hope you enjoy!


GeNEdu News: Full-scale implementation of 30-ECTS modules in gerontological nursing launched in China after accreditation

The Accreditation Seminar was organized online on 27 April 2022. The Review Board consisted of seven persons, among whom five were external experts invited from three partner universities, the geriatric care department of a partner hospital, and a rehabilitation center for older people.


GeNEdu News: Merle Varik writes about GeNEdu in Tervist!, the online magazine of Tartu Health Care College

One of the European experts of the GeNEdu project, lecturer Merle Varik from Tartu Health Care College (THCC) recently wrote an article in Tervist!, the (online) magazine of Tartu Health Care College.


GeNEdu News: Living Lab Trials succeeded in South China

The end of spring semester 2022 marks a fruitful period for GeNEdu, not least because of the successful Living Lab Trials in South China.


Developing Gerontological Nursing Education in China through Multidisciplinary Innovations – article in Gerontologia Vol 36 Nro 1 (2022)

Marja Palovaara's article: Developing Gerontological Nursing Education in China through Multidisciplinary Innovations


GeNEdu Newsletter published!

Welcome to the first issue of GeNEdu news! GeNEdustands for Developing Multidisciplinary Innovations inGerontological Nursing Education in China.


GeNEdu News: Curriculum development and the 30-ECTS modules in gerontological nursing at the Chinese partner institutions

Curriculum development and the 30-ECTS modules in gerontological nursing at the Chinese partner institutions.


GeNEdu News: GeNEdu event week 11th – 15th October 2021

GeNEdu News: GeNEdu event week 11th – 15th October 2021


GeNEdu News - Greetings from the successful first module of the Gerontological Nursing pilot course

Greetings from the successful first module of the Gerontological Nursing pilot course


GeNEdu News - The 2nd Train-the-Trainer workshop succesfully implemented in December 2020

GeNEdu News - The 2nd Train-the-Trainer workshop succesfully implemented in December 2020


GeNEdu News - Celebrating GeNEdu’s 1st birthday: Watch the video greetings!

GeNEdu News - Celebrating GeNEdu’s 1st birthday: Watch the video greetings!


GeNEdu News - Thank you Erasmus+ - celebrating ErasmusDays in October 2020

GeNEdu News - Thank you Erasmus+ - celebrating ErasmusDays in October 2020


GeNEdu News - The first Train-the-Trainer programme of WP 2.2 in September 2020

The GeNEdu project's first Train-the-Traines programme workshop was organised in 14-18 Sept. 2020 in Beihua University in China.


GeNEdu News - Kickoff Seminar and the 1st Benchmark Workshop

GeNEdu project's Kick Off Seminar and the first Benchmark Workshop was organised in 8-16 January 2020 in Jamk University of Applied Sciences in Jyväskylä, Finland.


GeNEdu News - Official Opening 15th Nov. 2019

The official starting date of GeNEdu project was confirmed by EACEA for EPP CBHE 2019 project, also in light with GeNEdu’s project application.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The publications on this site reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.