Chapter 6: Getting familiar - Knows / Knows How

idea lamp on a chalk board

Chapter 6 - Getting Familiar – Knows/Knows How, focuses on the first and second levels of Miller’s pyramid (Miller, 1990) and aims to support you in answering the questions:

What do I need to teach basic competences?

A learning scenario does not have to be complex or overly elaborated: it is about creating a positive and engaging learning experience! Give your learners an overview of definitions, megatrends, and technologies in Digital Rehabilitation.

-> Link to an overview on definitions

-> Link to a scoping review on technologies in home-based Digital Rehabilitation

-> Link to slides of a DIRENE webinar Megatrends in Digital Rehabilitation

-> Link to the video of this DIRENE webinar presentation DIRENE materials

For example, you will need to teach the usage of technologies and how they could be applied to measure, e.g., physical data remotely. Further, verbal and non-verbal communication differs in settings of telerehabilitation. Therefore, person-centred and respectful communication is relevant to your course content. Finally, approaching failures will be important, as service users and providers could be confronted with technical difficulties.

Key content identified by participatory research of the DIRENE consortium:


  • Target groups benefiting from Digital Rehabilitation should be identified.
  • Technologies used during Digital Rehabilitation should not replace but complement steps in the rehabilitation process in a meaningful way.
  • Working life professionals who want to use Digital rehabilitation should identify the needs and competences of the service user in terms of using Digital Rehabilitation.
  • Working life professionals need to be aware of the different types of technology to know and select which type is appropriate and available for which service user.
  • Working life professionals need to know the legislation regarding Digital Rehabilitation in their countries.

Knows how:

  • Digital Rehabilitation technologies should be used with an interdisciplinary approach according to the service users’ needs and competences.
  • Working life professionals should know how to design a Digital Rehabilitation plan based on the service users’ goals and digital literacy.
  • Working life professionals should know how to use specific technology for Digital Rehabilitation.
  • Working life professionals should know how to create a trusting, secure relationship with their service user(s).
  • Working life professionals should know how to manage ethical aspects, such as confidentiality management, data protection, and responsibility.

How would I structure the learning process? When would I apply self-learning mode and when to schedule instruction in the (mobile) classroom?

As examples of how learners starting from basic competences could be trained, take a look at the use-case scenarios #1, #5, and #6.

  • Use case #6 is designed for a course with 30 minutes of face-to-face and 60 minutes of self-directed learning, for 15 to 20 undergraduate health and social care students.
  • Use case #5 is designed for a course with 6 hours of lecture and 12 hours of self-directed learning, for 30 to 90 undergraduate (last year) health and social care students.
  • Use case #1 is designed for a course with 40 hours of face-to-face lecture, 20 hours of skills lab and 120 hours of self-study time, for a maximum of 30 graduate health and social care professionals.

-> Link to the PDF of the “Use Cases (Learning Scenarios)”

Explore the 2 ECTS massive open online course (MOOC) developed by DIRENE! 

-> Link to an introductory MOOC to Digital Rehabilitation


Proceed to content of an advanced course:

-> Next Chapter 7: “Applying Knowledge – Shows How/Does”


Go back to the previous Chapter 5: “Needed Competences in Digital Rehabilitation”

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