


Muu ala
1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013
Projektin kuvaus

SkyNEST on Tekes-rahoitteisen ja ICT-SHOKiin kuuluvan yhteensä 4-vuotisen Cloud Software -ohjelman ( osaprojekti, jossa kehitetään ratkaisuja suomalaisen ohjelmistoteollisuuden kilpailukyvyn parantamiseksi. Siinä työskentelee projektipäällikkö Jouni Huotarin lisäksi Marko 'Narsu' Rintamäki ja Ilkka Turunen + 5 - 30 opiskelijaa kerrallaan. Osana projektia kehitämme Nest-nimistä konseptia, johon on integroitu joukko parhaita webbipohjaisia avoimen lähdekoodin (ohjelmisto)projektinhallintatyökaluja. Nestin avulla voidaan testata, kuinka Cloud Software -ohjelmassa asetettuihin tavoitteisiin voidaan käytännössä päästä.

Projektin tulokset

Asset 1) FreeNEST is a set of integrated tools for product (or service) development. Currently it is a reference environment which is used for training purposes in product development (SW/HW), and also in some primary reference development projects. The most important point with the FreeNEST Project Platform is the ability to use it also in a company environment. FreeNEST Product Platform contains several open source software components which are known and trusted around the world.
Asset 2) By using Asset 1, we have and are conducting multiple reference projects that aim to test in practice the Nest Concept’s viability in different environments. Examples of such projects include:
+ SkyNEST, the main project of our contribution. SkyNEST has had 1-2 SCRUM teams, who have been involved in developing the FreeNEST Open Source Project Platform (Asset 1). The teams consist of software engineering students, who work using the agile methods. This enables the students to also see agile project methods in practice and to learn their benefits and disadvantages.
+ ElectricalArt, a team of 4 electrical engineering students who worked for the summer of 2011 to create a reference hardware product used as a context for training materials: The Internal Flame Drum Kit (IFDK). IFDK is an electro-haptic drum teaching kit that gives electric shocks to users if they play a pre-selected drum song wrong. This hardware concept is used as a training material in giving students context for product development. Related material will be released as case stories and as Open Source and freely licensed materials.
+ Experimental Enterprise in the Cloud, an experimental course meant to teach not only engineering students, but students of other trades as well, about clouds and also to test OpenStack and FreeNEST in a larger hardware setup. The course was held during the summer of 2011, with 15 students (mostly media engineering). In addition to the students there were 3 communications engineering students working full time providing hardware assistance. The aim of the course was to create a virtual company that has placed all of its systems in a cloud. They also built the underlying cloud infrastructure with
+ Team Barometer – Project team is developing a team barometer and vote engine features for FreeNEST project platform. This feature provides simple and efficient feedback channel from team to management. This is feature is inspired from discussion inside WP2 Lean Enterprise
+ Other internal R&D Projects that have adopted the FreeNEST platform that are not directly related to the Cloud Software Program. These projects range from Web-development to actual hardware development.
In all, about 50 different people have been involved in testing out and utilizing FreeNEST and during their respected projects.