
Rural RDI milieus in transition towards smart Bioeconomy Clusters and Innovation Ecosystems


Kestävät biotalous- ja energiaratkaisut
12.6.2017 - 31.12.2020
Interreg - Baltic Sea Region
Projektin kuvaus

RDI2CluB -
Rural RDI milieus in transition towards smart Bioeconomy Clusters and
Innovation Ecosystems

Duration: Oct 2017 - Sep 2020

Funding: Interreg Baltic Sea region

Total budget: EUR 2.7 million
European Regional Development Fund: EUR 1.5 million
Norwegian Funding: EUR 0.4 million

The project consortium had 12
partners from five countries (FI, NO, PL, LV, EE) and several associated

The Lead Partner is JAMK University
of Applied Sciences from Finland

Summary of the project

Mission of the projects

Bioeconomy means economic activities that utilize the biological natural resources and turn them into food, energy, and other products and services providing jobs and business opportunities. The rural areas of Baltic Sea region have a great potential for bioeconomy as they have abundant natural resources. However, these regions struggle to reach their full potential due to limited human capital, business networks and clusters. So far, the small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) in bioeconomy are mostly in traditional, resource-based industries that have not taken full advantage of latest technology and service innovations.


RDI2CluB –project (Rural RDI milieus in transition towards smart bioeconomy clusters and innovation ecosystems), was part of the Interreg Baltic Sea region project family of 2014-2020 under the Priority 1 'Capacity for innovation' that was dedicated to actions strengthening the ability of the Baltic Sea region to create and commercialize innovation.

RDI2CluB united authorities, RDI institutes (research, development, and innovation institutes) and business development bodies from five regions to a joint quest of boosting smart and sustainable bioeconomy development in the rural areas of Baltic Sea region. The five regions of the RDI2CluB partnership were:

  • Central Finland/Finland
  • Inland/Norway
  • Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship/Poland
  • Vidzeme/Latvia
  • Estonia

At the core of RDI2CluB was a transnational learning process that resulted in Regional Bioeconomy Profiles, and Joint Action Plan for developing innovation capacity and enhancing smart specialization. Thereafter, the partner regions built a model for transnational innovation co-operation, called Biobord Operating Model,  and a digital platform, Biobord, that functions as a meeting place and innovation arena for bioeconomy developers. Finally, piloting with the SMEs provided feedback on the smart specialization potential in bioeconomy as well as helps to validate the usability and functionality of the transnational innovation model and to scale up the digital platform. A long-term network agreement between RDI2CluB partners was formed on the basis of the Joint Action Plan and the model for transnational innovation co-operation enabled by the Biobord platform.

More information:

Projektin tulokset

1. Regional Bioeconomy Profiles

Regional Bioeconomy Profile offers a tool for studying the bioeconomy performance of a region to assist regional decision makers in smart specialisation work. It is a collection of bioeconomy related statistical data (production, employment, turnover, etc.) of a regional area. It enables a comprehensive picture of partner region's bioeconomy performance and gives ideas on the possible development areas within bioeconomy. Bioeconomy profile default setting is the comparison of a region to national average. In addition, bioeconomy profile tool also enables comparison between the regions.

With the help of Regional Bioeconomy Profiles, the regional authorities and development bodies will get a better understanding of the possibilities of the regional bioeconomy to support their decision-making and smart specialization approach. Based on the data collection done in RDI2CluB, the online tool provides a basic profile for any region in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Norway, and Poland.

2. Joint Action Plans

After Regional Bioeconomy Profiles, next step in the RDI2CluB –project was to identify actions to boost smart and sustainable rural bioeconomy in each region as well as co-operation areas between the involved regions. 

3. Biobord Platform & Operating Model

Biobord-platform is an open digital platform that connects bioeconomy developers around Baltic Sea region to solve local and global challenges though bioeconomy innovations. Platform is free for all and connects different actors from different sectors and countries, with just one thing in common – bioeconomy. 

4. Biobord Network

One of the most important outcomes of the RDI2CluB-project was the transnational bioeconomy network that was formalized in October 2020 when official Biobord Network was launched. The aim of the network is to safeguard Biobord Operating Model and Biobord-platform, as well as facilitate the future co-operation of the project partners. The development of the network model and value proposition continues throughout the extension stage project.

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