
Personalised Learning


Personalised Learning
Uudistuva oppiminen
1.9.2017 - 31.8.2019
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu
Erasmus+ Key Action 2
Projektin kuvaus
The main objective of the project was to develop how to give every student a personalised learning experience. Developing personalised learning is essential in working towards a society where everyone is able to progress, achieve and participate.
Project's 5 intellectual outputs:
  1. Framework Schoolprofile Personalised learning (Sweden)
  2. Description of 'teacherprofiles' with the focus on personalised learning (UK)
  3. Description of the learning environment for a succesful execution of personalised learning (Poland). Important part of this description will be the use of ICT.
  4. Curriculum teachertraining academy with the focus on personalised learning (Finland)
  5. Guideline for implementation of personalised learning (Netherlands).

Each partner was to develop its intellectual output and find practices and tools to enhance personalised learning in European schools.


Seija Koskela, [email protected]

Projektin tulokset

The Personalised Learning project was a multi-dimensional observation of personal learning theories and practices. An exchange, a reconsideration, a curious exploration of what was developed in five European countries (Finland, The Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom) and what could be helpful for our student.
The main objective of this project was to find out and develop how to give every child/student in school the learning experiences they need to better themselves. The participants agreed the following definition of personalised learning: 
'The student is the owner of the process choosing time, place, level and available tools for learning. The teacher provides the framework, guidance and support throughout the learning process. Together they set goals, the student gradually taking more responsibility.' 
The participants developed following intellectual outputs: 
  • How to get your school profile: Survey School Profile 
  • Spiderweb Teacher Self-Assessment Tool of Personalised Learning 
  • Description of the Learning Environment for a Successful Execution of Personalised Learning
  • Framework for Teacher Training with the focus on personalised Learning 
  • Guideline for Implementation of Personalised Learning, Connection Phases and Quadrants – Pathways and Network Learning and Personalised Learning Model. 

The developed tools and output descriptions can be found on a website being prepared and ready for use before the end of 2019. Check the Linkedin page 'Erasmus+ Personalised Learning'.

Intellectual outputs and the final report are presented on this blog post (in Finnish):