MOPEDE - Capacity Building for Modernizing TVET Pedagogy in Ethiopia

Capacity Building
for Modernizing TVET Pedagogy in Ethiopia (MOPEDE)
Solving the learning crises by developing
eLearning of the Vocational Teacher
Education and Training in Ethiopia with
the support of HEI ICI-program during the years 2020-2024. The Higher Education Institutions
Institutional Cooperation Instrument (HEI ICI) supports cooperation projects
between higher education institutions in Finland and the developing world that
are designed to enhance higher education provision in these countries. The
projects support the higher education institutions in developing their
subject-specific, methodological, educational and administrative capacities. Finland's
Ministry for Foreign Affairs provides funding for the program through its
development cooperation funds. The Finnish National Agency for Education
(EDUFI) administrates the program.
As the project impact the accessibility and quality of VET teacher
education is improved and modernized around Ethiopia. This way the TVET-sector can fully
contribute to the aims emphasized in Ethiopian Education Development
Roadmap (EEDR, 2018), framework document of Technical Vocational Education
and Training for Sustainable Development (TSDP, 2018), and in the Growth
and Transformation Plan of Ethiopia (GTP II, 2016).
For more information about the MOPEDE project:
Pauliina Silvennoinen, [email protected]
Tel. +358 40 7488609
Projektin tulokset
The specific outcome of the project is the following:
E-learning will be institutionalized in FTI and its 15 satellite colleges and integrated into their curricula to update teaching and learning methods, and by doing so to support the quality of TVET teacher training around Ethiopia and to increase the access to it.
Updating the competences and teaching methods is crucial in providing and ensuring the competent and modern teaching and learning skills and facilities to the staff and students of Federal Technical Vocational Education and Training Institute (FTI) and its satellite colleges in cities and peripheries of Ethiopia. E-learning skills and facilities will enhance the capacity of teaching staff to train students with competences required by labor markets and with competences crucial for the development of the Ethiopian society. Hence, the present project will yield sustainable results and produce positive long-term impacts to Ethiopia by rising educational level and higher employment in cities and peripheries, and by doing so improving the society’s wealth and stability. In addition, the project supports Ethiopia’s responsibility for their own development.
The main outputs will be the following:
1) E-learning Lab will be established to ensure an up-to-date facility for developing e-pedagogy in TVET teaching.
2) E-learning platforms and modules will be established and developed.
3) Pedagogical competence to fully develop and utilize the platform and the LAB will be developed, maintained and strengthened.
4) The institutional support and management for e-learning will be developed.
Updated 17.8.2020