Avoimen opintojakso

Emotional Management of International Business Complexity

Ilmoittaudu koulutukseen
5 opintopistettä
18.11.2024 - 09.02.2025
21.02.2025 - 19.05.2025
Liiketalouden ala
100.00 €


The students will:

- know how to move and coach + process the complexity of International Business - relations & contingencies - by up-skilling, re-skilling, and crafting Emotional Management
- know how to achieve positive solutions & results with and through people's emotions by developing the management & leadership of their social and emotional skills
- have the opportunity to learn the art and science of creative communication, motivation and to develop a positive attitude to pose questions useful to the change and for the change in multicultural settings and blended environments (human-tech)
- have an opportunity to experience meditation and/or contemplative/creative practices to support their talent and/or vocation to lead and manage stress and balancing professional and personal life
- learn how to deal with the new challenges the VUCA time is posing
- become familiar with the SESS Skills (sensorial, emotional, and spiritual skills) required in both management and leadership and will learn to monitor and support followers-employees awareness in times of crisis and in a highly emotional multicultural setting

ILOs - intended learning outcomes

Communication Skills
Communicate responsibly and effectively in English through oral, written and digital formats in academic and professional contexts.

Intercultural Collaboration Skills
Demonstrate intercultural teamwork, leadership, and conflict resolution skills.

Ethical Conduct
Embrace ethical conduct in practice and decision-making. This may be according to the Principles for Responsible Management Education (UNPRME) or the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

Skills for Personal Career Development
Reflect upon and deepen personal and professional learning in order to recognize their strengths to support their career development.


The context of the course is international, intercultural, interreligious, and interdisciplinary

The course is meant as a journey where the student experience:
1. Experiential learning
2. Individual & Collective Coaching
3. Network activation
4. Executive process and follow up
5. Awareness-based leadership & decision making

Three main stages of the teaching/learning process:

- Knowledge through lectures
- Knowledge /experience through practical work and challenges
- Knowledge /experience through teamwork project-based learning

For the pedagogical approach:

Zoccoli, M 2019. Connectivism, the pedagogical social fabric and the pipe as a knowledge and skills conductor in the professional identity formation of the student in higher education in the 21st century.


More information: [email protected]
The course code is YH00BP63-3009. Use the code to view the course schedule at https://lukkarit.peppi.jamk.fi. NOTE! Online courses may not have a schedule. The schedules will be published at latest by 7th of November 2024.
If you are an unemployed jobseeker or an asylum seeker, the studies are free of charge. Studies are also free for people who have fled Ukraine and are in Finland with temporary protection -status. In these cases, you are to make online payment and use the secure email to submit the certificate without delay. After that you will be refunded. Instructions: www.jamk.fi/openstudies/free-of-charge