Avoimen opintojakso

Human Resource Management

Ilmoittaudu koulutukseen
5 opintopistettä
18.11.2024 - 08.12.2024
13.01.2025 - 18.05.2025
Liiketalouden ala
100.00 €


Key concepts, theories, processes and main tasks of personnel management.

The key challenges for personnel management in your own operating environment.

Sustainable development of working life and social responsibility.

Factors affecting well-being at work and models of managing well-being at work and work ability.

Dialogue in personnel management.


Personnel, i.e. people, are the most important asset and the most critical success factor in terms of the organization's success. Personnel management requires versatile and up-to-date skills, especially in an ever-changing working life, where e.g. the diversity of employees, multi-location work and well-being at work have become very important issues. Personnel management is an integral part of the organization's strategic management and the building of the organizational culture. When implemented correctly, personnel management creates significant value for the organization and its employees.

Course competencies:
Ethics; promote diversity and accessibility
Functioning in working life; knows how to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of the work community, knows how to develop and lead multidisciplinary teams and work communities
Internationality and multiculturalism; knows how to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in his work community
Sustainable development; is able to lead the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in his work community

Objectives of the course:
After completing the course, you will understand the key concepts, theories and main tasks of personnel management. You know how to structure the key challenges of personnel management and occupational well-being management in your own operating environment. After the course, you will be able to examine personnel management practices and processes based on your organization's strategy. You know how to develop personnel management from the point of view of the organization's competitiveness and sustainability and evaluate the importance of well-being at work as part of personnel management and as a necessary element for the effective functioning of the work community.


The teaching method of this course leans on flipped classroom method. Prior the course the student should familiarise with the thematic materials in the forms of readings and short videos via Moodle workspace. 2 week prior the contact days a compulsory online pre-webinar During the active contact teaching days on 23.1.-25.1.2025 the time is used with case works, discussions and some lectures to deepen the understanding of students and testing their capability of application.

The course assessment is based on two separate individual written assignments. The student has an opportunity to have individual guidance for the assignments and in the end written feedback is given for each learner from each of assignments.


More information: [email protected]