Activities in TECIP

TECIP project group and co-partners at JAMK

The visit of the delegation from Ethiopia 7.-13.12.2019

Ethiopian delegation visited JAMK University of Applied Sciences in December 2019. Participants of the delegation were Mr Dr. Abdiwasa Abdulahi Bade, FDRE State Minister, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Addis Ababa, Finish Technical Cooperation With Ethiopia and Mr Haftom Gebregziabher Hagos, Deputy General Director for Academics, Federal TVET Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The visit included for example discussions about TECIP project, presentations of teacher education and digital pedagogy at JAMK. 

TECIP project delegation at the airport

National development cooperation seminar in Finland 26.-27.11.2019

TECIP project's achievements were presented in the national education sector development cooperation seminar "Finland as a strong actor in the global learning crisis" in Helsinki. TECIP projects representatives from Federal TVET Institute, Addis Abeba University and JAMK University of Applied Sciences highlighted the theme "Steps towards inclusive TVET education" on the plenary session of the seminar.

The seminar was held by the Finnish National Agency for Education EDUFI, The Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Fingo.

Watch seminar recordings (Finnish National Agency for Education) 

Training of Trainers

Training of Trainers (ToT) 17.2-28.2.2018

The ToT-training was based on the previous step of the project, the awareness raising events for TVET leaders in November 2017, which were implemented in five regions.

The TVET leaders were asked to mobilize vocational teachers to attend the ToT-training, held at FTI in Addis Abeba in February 2019. The total number of invitees was 100, but because of the unstable situation in the country at that time we reached 80 TVET teachers. The ToT-training was based on launching the idea of inclusive pedagogy and participatory methods.


27 August – 1 September 2018: Disability week

3 September – 7 September: Developmental work

The second round of Training of Trainers was held at Federal TVET Institute, Psychology Department

Training of Trainers - participants interview

You can watch the video on Youtube »


TECIP projects participants Tiegist Bayleyegn ja Temesgen Tadele finished their two month studies at University of Jyväskylä

In the picture they are accompanied by professor Raija Pirttimaa. 

TECIP project participants finished studies in Jyväskylä

The Training of teachers in the FTI 

Teacher training 1. - 14. February 2018: Culture, Policy and Practice of Inclusive Education

Goals for the first two training weeks 1.2 – 14.2.2018 were to get familiar with the concept of inclusion and situation in Ethiopia, and also to elaborate own experiences, skills, knowledge, and future needs. 

Teacher Training (FTI) 9.7. - 13.7.2018: Disability week 

Disability week – diversity of students with disabilities in TVET and how to support students` learning and participation with inclusive teaching methods. 

Teacher training (FTI) 11.8.–19.8.2018: Teacher training and inclusive practice for TVET

Goals for the week in Finland were to find out and elaborate good inclusive practices for TVET and teacher education, get familiar with the Finnish TVET system, get to know the supports for employment of persons with disabilities and SEN, discuss about the employment. The participants started also planning personal development plan for inclusive TVET teacher training.

More trainings of teachers and school leaders

Training of FTI graduates on Inclusive Education

During 25.-27.10.2019 the trainers were FTI teachers, trained by the TECIP-project.

TVET leaders training March 2019:

First round 16.-20.3.2019 and second round 21.-25.3.2109.

The theme of the training was how to implement inclusive education in a concrete level in TVET Colleges. The participants discussed Action Plans for inclusive education they have prepared earlier and shared experiences within the group.

Organizers and lecturers:

Director General Teshale, Deputy Director Haftom, Dr. Yishak from Federal TVET Institute,

Director Azmera from Federal TVET Agency,

Dr. Maija Mäkinen from JAMK University of Applied Sciences,

Dr. Yekunoamlak, Dr. Abebe and Dr. Fantahun from Addis Ababa University. 

TECIP Project meetings and kick-off

TECIP project meeting 23-29 August 2017 JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä, Finland

This meeting in Jyväskylä started project group 's work on the 3-year project. Project meeting included discussions on common goals, working with the first outcome and interesting visits. Materials: 

TECIP Kick-off, 7th November 2017 Addis Abeba, Ethiopia


TECIP Staff training day, 9th November 2017 Federal TVET Institute, Ethiopia

Awareness Raising Events

TECIP project delivers knowledge on inclusion at federal, regional and local levels (see Key Result 2).

Dissemination event in Addis Abeba 8.1.2020

The participants represented administration of FTI, administration of TVET Agency, FTI teacher trainers and JAMK and the Embassy of Finland.

The discussions were fruitful and they showed how important is to continue collaboration between FTI and JAMK. 


Awareness raising events for TVET leaders 2017

Five regional workshops in November 2017:

Addis Abeba, Hawasa, Dire Dawa, Bahir Dar and Mekele

Altogether 150 people participated the Awareness raising events. Two days` trainings culminated in the Action Plans of the TVET colleges. 

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