Call for Experts

Call for experts for organising training courses to innovative SMEs from all over Europe in the field of raw materials, manufacturing, Digital and ICT, energy systems and Sustainability.
Scale up Academy is a new cross-European Network supporting SMEs to move to the next stage of growth and internationalise their business. The Network involves cooperation of 14 partners from Ireland, Belgium, Italy, Finland, Hungary and Czech Republic. Partners consist of 6 Higher Education institutes, one from each country and 8 Industry partners drawn from all 6 countries.
You can read more about the project at here.
We are looking for experts having the knowledge, competence, capacity, and willingness to offer trainings on the following fields: raw materials, manufacturing, Digital and ICT, energy systems and Sustainability.
Scale up Academy continuously facilitates discussion with the SEMs involved to the program identifying their training needs and addressing the requests, we are matching the SME network with our experts and offered short training courses on demand. The selected expert is offered to deliver the training for a fee.
What is expected from the trainer?
- Develop and deliver a 1 to 3 hrs (depending on the topic and learning outcomes defined) training either online or in class (in case of in class training, the trainer does not have to travel)
- Define the learning outcomes of the proposed training
- Develop training materials using branded document templates provided by the project and hand it over to the participants as well as to the project for reporting purposes
- Assess participants at the end of the course, assessment and fil criteria has to be defined and communicated to the course participants in advance
How to apply?
Experts interested to apply to be listed in the Scale Up Academy expert pool are needed to apply below by uploading their expert CV and at least 1 course offer using the templates provided also as a downloadable file below. the application is continuous and evaluated regularly. All experts accepted will automatically included into our public list of experts and the offered curses will be automatically added to our education offer pool that is visible by the SMEs and group facilitators working with them. By applying, the Expert provide consent agrees that her/his CV and course offer made available publicly and affiliated to the Scale up Academy project.