RDI2CluB and Biobord Benchmarking

In 2018-2020, RDI2CluB partnership embarked on 4 benchmarking visits to boost the development of bioeconomy clusters and innovation ecosystems in the partner regions as well as transnational bioeconomy co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region. Reports from all the visits can be found from this site.

Biobased Delta, Netherlands

On April 18-20, 2018, RDI2CluB project partners from Finland, Norway, Poland, Estonia and Latvia, together with external experts from Latvian Food Cluster, Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia, the city of Äänekoski in Finland and Norwegian University of Science and Technology participated in a Benchmarking visit to Netherlands. Aim of the visit was to learn about the development of bioeconomy clusters and innovation ecosystems while visiting one of the European best practice cluster-foundations focused on bioeconomy, “Biobased Delta”.

“Biobased Delta is truly an inspirational example of a strong regional triple helix co-operation united by a shared development vision. Apart from regional co-operation, Biobased Delta demonstrated in practical terms the value of strategic inter-regional and transnational networking as a driver of innovation. Overall, I believe that our hosts’ enthusiasm and enterprising spirit was contagious and that we all came back home with a head full of ideas for strengthening our regional innovation systems. Furthermore, the evidence of the value in networks gave as a good momentum for building our transnational co-operation as a partnership.”

-Anna Aalto, Project Manager, RDI2CluB

Read the Report: Biobased Delta (pdf)  ›

Hedmark, Norway & Värmland, Sweden

RDI2CluB team visited Inland Norway (previously called Hedmark) and Värmland Sweden to study the best practices of bioeconomy innovation ecosystem development in rural and cross-border context. Inland is part of the leading bioeconomy region in Norway and Värmland has a European best practice smart specialization approach for triple helix co-operation. Furthermore, the team identified potential areas for co-operation in the Baltic Sea region network of bioeconomy hubs.


Read the Report: Building Bioeconomy Innovation Ecosystem (pdf)  ›

Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Poland

RDI2CluB team visited Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Poland, to study the potential of the bioeconomy development in the region as part of the regional innovation system. The potential of developing the forest-based bioeconomy, the triple helix co-operation for bioeconomy innovation and a bioeconomy innovation hub were explored. Furthermore, the team identified potential areas for co-operation in the Baltic Sea region network of bioeconomy hubs.

This report accounts for the findings and reflections of the team after the benchmarking visit on June 3 – 6, 2019.

Read the Report: Potential of Smart Specialisation in Bioeconomy (pdf)  ›

Online Benchmarking Experience

RDI2CluB was originally planned to embar final benchmark visit to Vidzeme Latvia, but due to COVID-19 pandemic the event was cancelled. Instead, an online benchmarking tour to Central Finland was introduced in connection to the final seminar. Online benchmarking included a video tour to central Finland’s bioeconomy and transnational discussions between stakeholders around Baltic Sea Region.

Read the Full report of the online benchmarking (pdf)  ›

Video tour