Chapter 3: Use Cases (Learning Scenarios)
Photo: Example from Nick Youngson, Alpha Stock Images, CC BY-SA 3.0
Chapter 3 - “Use Cases (Learning Scenarios)” aims to support you in answering the question:
What could a Digital Rehabilitation course design look like?
The DIRENE consortium collected stories on learning scenarios (use cases) about how their educators define learning outcomes and course content, as well as which methods and tools they choose when teaching Digital Rehabilitation. Their variety displays examples of how meaningful (mobile) learning experiences can be designed. They shall inspire you about how you could apply the detailed chapters of this handbook.
In the PDF of the use cases shown below, seven learning cases are presented, contributed by educators from the DIRENE consortium. Each educator was asked about how (s)he understands and evaluates digital tools for teaching and learning in the field of Digital Rehabilitation. This was influenced by COVID-19, which led to remote teaching at most universities. Specifically, educators were asked about learning outcomes, tasks and activities, as well as used tools and software.
The use cases were discussed and developed further by the DIRENE consortium during a week of intensive learning, teaching, and training activities. There, any potentials or challenges that characterise the technology/method applied in these learning scenarios were identified, including data protection and ethical issues.
A brainstorming session was held on how learners would be engaged to reflect on the application of technologies in rehabilitation and their methodological experience. Ask your learners how they are going to apply their achieved competences in practice when interacting with their service users.
Proceed to defining your courses’ context:
-> Next Chapter 4: “Context – What to Consider”
Go back to the previous Chapter 2: “Overview – Designing Mobile Education & Training of Digital Rehabilitation Competences”
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