Cooperation in Ethiopia – Teacher Educators in Higher Education as Catalysts for Inclusive Practices in Technical and Vocational Education 2017-2020.

hands together in the middle

Project Description

Teacher Educators in Higher Education as Catalysts for Inclusive Practices in Technical and Vocational Education (TECIP) is a capacity building project between JAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Federal Technical Vocational Education and Training Institute FTI (Ethiopia), Addis Ababa University AAU (Ethiopia) and University of Jyväskylä (Finland). The project is based on the long-term collaboration between the participating HEIs that has strengthened the collaboration in inclusive education between the partners.

At present, policy environment in Ethiopia is favorable for developing post-secondary TVET towards inclusion. Still, concrete actions are needed in order to promote access to education and participation in education of students with special educational needs and disabilities. As teachers have a key role in making the reforms come true, the development of TVET teacher education is the prime objective to ensure that people with special needs can properly engage in economic participation in line with the national strategies.

The mission of the TECIP project plan is to equip HE TVET teacher training providers on national, regional and local levels with necessary skills and knowledge on inclusive practices in TVET to support national development efforts towards inclusive TVET education in Ethiopia. The project will contribute to HEI ICI programme’s Result area 2: Improved quality of higher education and research environment.

As an outcome of the project, FTI develops its educational structures in terms of inclusion in TVET and has curricula on inclusive education and related modules for pre- and in-service TVET teacher programmes. As the modules developed in the project are part of the curricula, the results sustain and reach new generation of teachers. Additionally, a new in-service training model is developed for FTI and piloted for the use in future. The project scope involves all regions in Ethiopia via in-service training model. 

Key results to be achieved

  1. Two new curriculum and three training modules prepared (one for BA and one for MA preservice training and one for in‐service), which are integrated in the SEN and Inclusive Education course
  2. Five regional events/workshops conducted and knowledge on inclusion delivered for 150 persons at Federal, Regional and local levels on inclusive education in TVET
  3. 15 teacher trainers of FTI trained on inclusion and professional development plans prepared for them, including an awareness raising event for the whole FTI staff (N=100)
  4.  In‐service training model developed for FTI, which consists of the Training of Trainers programme for 100 TVET teachers and practice in delivering knowledge on inclusive practices for 1000 TVET teachers in regions.

This is TECIP project:

Watch the video on Youtube »


Publications and dissemination

Kansainvälistä koulutusyhteistyötä: ammatillinen opettajankoulutus ja inkluusio (article in Finnish)

Pirttimaa 2018, article in e-Erika 2/2018 (p. 58)

Towards Inclusive Education in Vocational Education – Development Project as a Change Agent.

Maija Mäkinen, Yekunoamlak Alemu & Azmera Kebede Abebe.

Read the article: A
mmattikasvatuksen aikakauskirja 3/2019.

Opettajankouluttajat inkluusion sanansaattajina (article in Finnish) 

Pirttimaa 2020, Erityisopettaja.fi - online journal

Blog posts from TECIP project  

JAMK's Opekorkeassa tapahtuu -blog

Opettajat muutoksen tekijöinä (article in Finnish)

Tiihonen 2020. JAMK asiakaslehti 2020, Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. 

Blog posts about our cooperation in Ethiopia in the blog "Opekorkeassa tapahtuu"

  • JAMK'S School of Professional Teacher Education's blog is a place to share the topical things going on  example in our educational projects. The blog is mostly written in Finnish. 

Some of the dissemination events are presented on the "Activities" page

Activities in TECIP

Activities in TECIP -project

Our other projects in developing countries

TPP-Nepal 2017 - 2020

Teacher Preparation Programme through ODL Mode for Enhancing Quality in Education, TPP-Nepal 2017-2020.

EATHEN in Nepal 2019 - 2022

Equitable access to higher education for students with disabilities and students from marginalized groups in Nepal 2019-2022.

MOPEDE in Ethiopia 2020-2024

Capacity building for modernizing TVET pedagogy in Ethiopia

21st Century Skills in Nepal 2020-2024

Developing 21st Century Skills in Nepal project.

BOOST project 2013 - 2014

Building Open Opportunities for Students and Teacher in Vietnam project: 

  • supported the development of eLearning at the Quang Tri Teacher Training College by organising the training and mentoring of the personnel.
  • developed the facilities of the library and invests in computers and other equipment. The investments made it possible for the students and teachers to gain better access to electronic resources and for obtaining QTTTC improved possibilities in order to provide online courses.
  • BOOST-project also enhanced building partnerships with enterprises, associations, and other schools. 
  • The project organised trainings for the personnel of QTTTC and we mentor the development steps.