
Tarvaala offered its best - Smart Bioeconomy Bootcamp on Bioeconomy Campus 27-31 May 2024

Smart Bioeconomy Bootcamp May 2024 main picture

Bootcamp attracted widespread interest among international students

The forces of nature were on our side when the international Smart Bioeconomy Bootcamp was held on campus in the last week of May as part of the Finnish Future Farm project. The sun was shining from the blue sky and the surrounding nature was at its greenest. No wonder, then, that a group of 22 students from 14 different countries were enthralled by what they saw: cows and sheep from the dormitory windows and jumping rabbits while walking to the morning lessons at the Bioeconomy Institute. The silence and tranquility of the surroundings impressed the visitors - exotic surprises included the mosquitoes observed in the evening program and the scents of cattle farming floating from the barn.

The application period for Bootcamp had opened in January 2024, and we were expecting international higher education students interested in smart bioeconomy, agrotechnology and business to apply. When the students presented themselves at the Bootcamp Week Opening and at the BootcampHackathon team presentation later in the week, it felt unreal as a representative of the organizing team that we had been able to attract this kind of incredibly talented and international group of top experts to Saarijärvi! Students arrived here from European higher education institutions and came from countries such as China, India, USA, Bangladesh, Portugal, Nigeria, Estonia, Hungary, Germany and Finland. It was very gratifying to see that smart farming interested a group of people with diverse educational backgrounds, because multidisciplinary expertise and different perspectives are needed in the development of new innovations. Bootcamp participants included students from the fields of automation and robotics, agricultural sciences, information technology, logistics, food technology, agricultural entrepreneurship, bioeconomy, biotechnology, industrial product design, environmental management, forestry, environmental technology, business management and ecology! About half of the participants also had their own business or idea of a startup.

Exploring the world of smart bioeconomy and agriculture

The Bootcamp week program, as its name suggests, was quite tight. After the opening of the week on Monday morning, students dived directly into the importance of data in a sustainable bioeconomy, and took a closer look at plant growth factors, crop quality measurement, and vegetation mapping. The campus tour introduced participants to the smart farming testbed environment. In the mornings, students were offered coaching where they analyzed what they had already learned, peered into the future, and integrated the contents of the days and week into a whole. On Tuesday, group visited Metsä Group's bioproduct mill in Äänekoski and Valtra's factory in Suolahti. On Wednesday, there was training on creativity and open innovation, and the afternoon was spent with practical demonstrations, for example in the field. In the demos students explored the data collected with the help of various devices, and learned how the farmer can use the data obtained to support decision-making. As part of the demos, students themselves were able to drive Valtra tractors, which they described as one of Bootcamp's most unforgettable experiences.

Miiro Jääskeläinen, an expert in soil and environmental monitoring technology and digitalization, gave a keynote speech of the week. He encouraged to envision what kind of business models and opportunities may be available in the near future, if agricultural data from any farm would be available better and more digital than today and could be shared with all stakeholders.

The Bootcamp week program culminated in the BootcampHackathon, an innovation competition held on Thursday and Friday. At the hackathon, students delved into the challenge of agricultural data management on a team basis. The aim was to develop innovative solutions that improve the ability of farmers to manage their farm production through data-driven decision-making. By integrating different sources of information, farm management solutions can be based on real knowledge, thus promoting ecologically and economically sustainable agricultural practices. During the hackathon, students received mentoring from Jamk’s experts in various fields, such as smart farming and business administration. At the end of the event, the teams pitched their solutions to the jury. The hackathon was won by a team of six students, Oatstanding, whose solution proposal convinced the jury with a high-quality and visually informative presentation of the application for the farmer's use.

As a counterbalance to intensive study, there was some evening program available to Bootcamp participants. Students enjoyed a hut dinner provided by the City of Saarijärvi and visited the Stone Age village experiencing the ancient lifestyle. Wednesday's demo day was crowned by a networking dinner and student interviews at the Bioeconomy Institute, and on Thursday evening the group hiked the Haikankärki scenic trail in Summassaari. At the end of the whole week and the hackathon, the students were able to take a sauna and swim in Poke's lakeside sauna in Kolkanlahti, which was a unique experience of Finnish culture especially for those from afar countries.

Towards the future with valuable experiences

Organizing Bootcamp as a pilot was a big effort for the organizing team, which included not only the people of Jamk, but also Poke's staff and guest lecturers. Preparatory work began already in the autumn of '23, and especially the weeks before the Bootcamp were busy. Arranging transportation for students from 14 countries to Saarijärvi was a puzzle of its own. Flexibility was required for both the length of the days and the details to be cleared, but with seamless teamwork we once again got a great event on campus! Poke's support in terms of student accommodation and meals was particularly valuable. Within Jamk, we gained valuable experience in collaboration between different teams and units, as well as in reconciling different expert views. Thanks also go to our corporate partners and other stakeholders who helped us to make the event possible.

During the week, we listened with joy and attention to the discussions and comments of the students about the Bootcamp, and at the end of the week, we reserved a moment for the students to give written feedback, because we naturally wanted valuable advice and observations for our use in the implementation of the following events. We received a lot of good feedback on the well-organized event and good communication. Important positive aspects included a visit to the Valtra factory in Suolahti, interesting study content, expert coaches and learning about agrotechnology and agriculture. There were also areas for development - next time we will be able to reserve a bit more space and time for embracing things that have been studied, a more informal program and networking between students. The feedback that we managed to create a good image of Finland with our friendliness and pleasant environment was also heartwarming.

Based on the experiences and student feedback from Smart Bioeconomy Bootcamp, the Bioeconomy Campus really has something to offer in international arenas perhaps more than we think in the middle of our everyday work! We have top-level experts, know-how and testbed environment in the field of smart agriculture and agrotechnology. One of our strengths is corporate collaboration, which is also evidenced by high-quality company visits during Bootcamp. A new BioBoosters Accelerator Program was added to the palette, with the first round starting in August 2024 with ten hot startups in the agrotechnology sector. This entity offers excellent opportunities also for students to learn, network and get familiar with potential workplace and business opportunities. In the future, hopefully, we will see numerous international Bootcamps on our campus, which will, smaller but even more unique, wave the Finnish flag in the spirit of Tarvaala.

Author: Hanna Lampinen-Vilkkilä, Project Specialist, Smart Bioeconomy Bootcamp Coordinator

Smart Bioeconomy Bootcamp is part of Finnish Future Farm project, executed by Jamk University of Applied Sciences and POKE Vocational College. The project is co-funded by the Just Transition Fund of the European Union, via Regional Council of Central Finland. Project is also funded by Saarijärvi City, Valtra, Neste and AGCO Power.