Exchange student

Exchange and Double Degree Student

Jamk University of Applied Sciences offers incoming exchange and double degree students an international atmosphere for studying. To support your stay in Jyväskylä we provide many services, including tutoring, orientation and Friend Family programme.

On these pages you can find information for planning and applying for your exchange period. You can also find advice on the practicalities to arrange before arriving to Finland and Jamk. Hopefully you will find the information useful in planning your exchange!

144 000

Population of Jyväskylä
Jyväskylä is the 7th biggest city in Finland with a youthful population

8 500

Degree students at Jamk
An international atmosphere with students from all over the world


Incoming exchange students
Each year hundreds of exchange students choose Jamk as their exchange destination

Why choose Jyväskylä and Jamk as your exchange destination?

Why Jyväskylä?

  • a student-friendly city offering a wide range of activities and opportunities
  • a modern centre for industry and learning
  • a “pocket size metropolis” with a lively urban centre
  • all the services, shops, schools and work are close at hand
  • a wide variety of leisure and sport activities

Why Jamk?

  • modern learning environments, skilled personnel and excellent services
  • well-equipped facilities and libraries providing free computer services and Internet access
  • a wide variety of interesting professional courses taught in English
  • an efficient, yet relaxed and international atmosphere
  • Erasmus Award for Excellence 2013


How to Apply for Exchange at Jamk?

Interested in applying for exchange at Jamk? Head on to reading more about how and when to apply!

Important Practicalities

What to do after you have been accepted for exchange at Jamk? Read about the important, official stuff, such as insurance, permits, housing and practicalities about arriving at Jamk and in Finland.

Exchange Student Life at Jamk

What is it like to study as an exchange student at Jamk? Get to know some of the basic principles of how we operate at Jamk with regard to exchanges.

Koronavirusohjeistus Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulussa

Tällä sivulla seuraamme koronavirustilanteen kehitystä ja ohjeistamme opiskelijoita, vierailijoita sekä muita ulkoisia sidosryhmiä.