How to apply for Master's Degrees

Aikuisopiskelija koneella

Welcome to apply for Jamk's master's degree programmes! Find important information about the application times and admission process.

The instructions below concern joint application period of spring 2025 on 8 - 22 January 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time for degree programmes conducted in English.

On this page, you will find information about:



Read the admission criteria
Read carefully the general admission criteria and the degree-specific admission criteria available on this page. If you are unsure about your eligibility or about the selection process, please contact Jamk Admission Services.


Apply on
Before applying, write down the application period, the deadline to submit the application attachments and the entrance examination dates of your chosen degree programmes. Make sure you have all the necessary attachments available, so you can submit them on time. Participate to entrance examinations.


Accept the study place
Wait for the results of the student selections communicated by e-mail. In case of an admission, accept the study place, enroll as an attending student and pay the possible tuition fee by the set deadline. Follow our instructions on beginning the studies in autumn.

Apply on 8 – 22 January 2025 by 3.00 p.m Finnish time! 

Accessing to the application form

You can access the application form during the application period on The application form opens on the first day of the application period at 8 a.m. Finnish time and closes on the last day of the application period at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. 

No registration is needed for filling in the application form. You do not have to log in, just open the form and start. Carefully read the instructions in the beginning of the application. Please notice, that you can submit only one application form. If you submit several, only the latest will be taken into consideration and all others will be deleted.

We strongly recommend you to fill in your own application form, agents are not needed.

Application fee

From January 2025 onwards there is going to be an application fee of 100 euros. The application fees are introduced for applications starting 1 January 2025 and onwards, when applying for degree programmes beginning on or after 1 August 2025. 

The application fee is collected for applicants from countries outside EU/EEA seeking education leading to a degree in higher education. There is no application fee for Finnish or EU citizens. The Finnish National Agency of Education will collect the application fee in connection with filling in the Studyinfo application form.

Please notice that paying the application fee does not guarantee that you will be offered admission to studies.

Application options

You can choose six application options for your application form. In the section called “Application options”, choose your preferred study programmes. In the first joint application of the spring you do not have to place the programmes in order of preference on the application. You can be accepted to six different degree programmes, but you can choose only one.

Please notice that you only change the application options by 22 January 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time! 

See also Editing the application form below.

Filling in the application form

Fill in the required information as instructed on the application form. Mandatory information is marked with an asterisk. If you do not have a Finnish identity code, you are asked to fill in your date of birth and gender.

Please use your own email address. If you use other person’s email address and they have applied before, the personal information of the other person will transfer to the new application. Please check your email and also your spam email folder regularly.

In the section called “permissions” you need to give your consent for electronic communication, give other relevant permissions and select your contact language. You need to fill in this information in order to submit the application.

After submitting the application, you will receive a confirmation email to the address you have given on the application form.

Application attachments

Application attachments are the necessary documents that are required to supplement your application form.

You will find instructions on how to upload attachments and deadlines for when to upload them on the application form. You will be asked to upload attachments based on the answers you have given to questions on the application form.

Some attachments may be asked multiple times on the application form. In this case, you are required to upload the same attachment in multiple sections on the application form.

You can upload attachments as you are filling in the application form or you can upload them later. You can see the deadline for an individual attachment and the method of delivery next to the upload button on the form.

  • Scan all the pages of the required document or take good quality pictures.
  • Make sure that the pictures/scans are legible. 
  • Combine the pages of the same document into one file.
  • Check that the documents are all positioned in the same way upright.
  • Recommended file formats are: PDF, JPG, PNG and DOCX.
  • Name the attachments in the following way: Last name_First name_name of document.

Read more about submitting the required application documents below. The required application documents must be submitted by 29 January 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. Please notice, that in case you do not submit the required documents, your application will not be processed and you cannot process in the student selection process.

Editing the application form

In case you need to edit your application,

  • you can use online banking codes from a bank in Finland, a Finnish mobile certificate or Finnish electronic ID-card to log in to the My Studyinfo -service to make changes
  • you will also find the link to access to your application from the confirmation email

Please make sure that you can access to the same email address you use for submitting the application during the whole student selection process!


Submit the required documents by 29 January 2025 at 3.00 p.m Finnish time!

Required application attachments

All applicants need to upload the following documents directly to the application:

  • copies of the original degree certificates (bachelor’s degree)
  • copies of work certificates (minimum 2 years from the relevant field after graduation)
  • authorised translations of the certificates, if needed*
  • english language proficiency certificate, if needed**

Please read more about the required documents: General admission criteria.

The copies of degree certificates and work certificates must be submitted by 29 January 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.

* Authorised translations

If the certificates are written in any other language than Finnish, Swedish or English, submit authorised translations of the certificates in one of these languages. The translator must sign and stamp the translations. 

** English language proficiency certificate

Submit a language proficiency certificate only if you apply for the following degree programmes:

  • International Business Management
  • Sport Business Management

Verification of the original certificates

The original certificates will be verified by Jamk UAS. The original certificates must be submitted for Jamk UAS not later than 30 September 2025. Copies in any form are not accepted.

Instructions on submitting the original certificates for verification will be sent to the admitted students in the beginning of studies. 

The selection is not final until the certificates have been verified. If you do not submit your original certificates for verification by the given deadline, your study place will be cancelled.

Bachelor's degree

Applicants applying for our master’s degree programmes must have been awarded a bachelor’s degree from a relevant field, awarded by recognised institution of higher education.

  • Example: You have completed a bachelor’s degree in engineering. Your degree is relevant for our master’s degrees in engineering. 
  • Example: You have completed a bachelor’s degree in the field of business. Your degree is relevant for our master’s degrees in business administration. 

In general, the level of the bachelor’s degree must be equivalent to EQF 6 (European Qualifications Framework). If your bachelor’s degree gives you an eligibility to apply for master’s degree in the awarding country, it is recognised as a bachelor’s degree in Finland as well. 

In case of admission, be prepared to submit your original degree certificates for verification in the beginning of studies. Please note that the admission is not final until the original degree certificates have been verified by Jamk Admission Services by 30 September 2025. 

Educational documents

You must attach at least one higher education qualification degree certificate that provides eligibility to master’s degrees to your application. 

  • Example: You have a bachelor’s degree in engineering and you are applying for a master’s degree in engineering. You must attach your bachelor's degree certificates to your application. Prior degree qualifications (for example high school degree) are not needed.

The degree certificates consist of two different documents: 

  • Degree certificate
  • Transcript of records

If the certificates are written in any other language than Finnish, Swedish or English, you must also attach authorised translations of the certificates in one of these languages. 

Degree certificate

On completing the bachelor’s degree, students are awarded a degree certificate by the higher educational institution. The degree certificate indicates that a student has successfully completed all required studies included in the degree and thus has graduated.

The degree certificate should include the following information:

  • the name of the higher institution awarding the degree
  • the date of award of the degree
  • the name of the graduated student
  • the academic title or degree programme (e.g., Bachelor of Engineering)

Please notice, that the degree certificate must indicate explicitly that the degree is completed. 

The degree certificate must not be temporary (e.g. provisional degree certificates). If you do not have a final certificate during the application period, your admission is conditional and you need to submit a final degree certificate by the set deadline. 

Jamk UAS does not accept letters of other equivalent documents that state that all required courses have been completed or that the degree certificate will be awarded in the future. 

Transcript of records

A Transcript of Records (i.e. mark sheets) is an official document that records all the courses taken and summarises a student's academic achievements during the studies. 

The transcript of records should include the following information:

  • the name of the higher institution awarding the degree
  • the date of award 
  • the name of the student
  • the academic title or degree programme (e.g., Bachelor of Engineering)
  • titles of the courses taken
  • credits awarded
  • grades given

Official translations

If the certificates are written in any other language than Finnish, Swedish or English, you must attach authorised translations of the certificates in one of these languages. The translator must sign and stamp the translations. In case you are required to submit translations of your documents, you are also required to submit the original documents in the original language too.

  • Example: Your educational documents have been issued in German. You are required to attach authorised translations in English, Swedish or in Finnish.
  • Example: Your educational documents have been issued in German and in English. The English versions are accepted without authorised translations.

Other suitable higher education qualifications

In case you do not have a higher education qualification from the relevant field, you may also gain eligibility with some other suitable higher education qualification, Finnish vocational college diploma or a Finnish higher vocational diploma.

Applicants who apply with any other degree than with the relevant higher education degree specified above, are considered on case-by-case basis on their educational background and work experience. Jamk UAS determines whether the applicant's background meets the requirements or not.

Please note that vocational college diplomas are not vocational qualifications/further vocational qualifications/specialist vocational qualifications (in Finnish ammatillinen perustutkinto, ammatti- tai erikoisammattitutkinto) nor pedagogical teachers studies completed at professional teacher education of UAS. Vocational college diplomas were awarded mainly in Finland in the 1990s.

Work experience

The minimum requirement regarding work experience is at least two years (24 months) of relevant work experience gained after the bachelor's degree. Work experience gained before the completion date of the bachelor's degree is not accepted.

The work experience must be from the field of the degree (used for applying) or from field that the applicant is currently applying. An applicant can count in work experience until 31 July 2025. This is the last date by which the required work experience must be gained.

Part-time work can be converted into full-time equivalents, such that 150 hours or 20 full workdays (at least 7 hours per day) correspond to one month of work. The working hours or working days per month must be explicitly stated on the work certificate.

Work experience as an entrepreneur or as a freelancer will be accepted if the applicant submits an official certificate stating the entrepreneurship. 

  • For example: a certificate of registered business that states explicitly the operating field and the active period of the business.
  • For example: a Finnish entrepreneur must submit YEL- or MYEL-insurance certificate that states that the period of valid entrepreneur's insurance. 
  • For example: a list of assignment completed on a freelancing platform is NOT accepted as a prove of entrepreneurship. Please request a certificate of the completed assignments from your freelancing platform or work assignment certificates from the companies you have worked with.

Practical training or on-the-job learning is not counted as work experience if it has been a part of the degree used for applying.

Service in army, non-military service or nursing leave is not considered as work experience.

Parental leave during employment is accepted as work experience.

Jamk UAS accepts work experience also after a Finnish vocational college diploma or a higher vocational diploma (in Finnish: opistoasteen tutkinto, ammatillisen korkea-asteen tutkinto), before the applicant has completed a bachelor's degree.

The work experience must be demonstrated with work certificates.

Work certificate

A work certificate is a written official document that contains information about the job position of an employee. Employees can request this certificate from their employer or from human resource department.

Note that the work certificates must include the following information:

  • name and contact details of the company
  • working title
  • job description
  • length of employment (date of beginning and termination of employment OR information whether the employment is still active)
  • date of issue
  • a signature of the employer

Please note, that in case you do not submit work certificates which include all the information listed above, your application cannot be considered for admission.

Please note that the following documents are not accepted as work certificates:

  • letters of recommendations,
  • employment offer letters,
  • employment contracts,
  • a resume/CV.

If the work certificates are written in any other language than Finnish, Swedish or English, you must also attach authorised translations of the certificates.


Jamk Master School
Develop into either management and leadership excellence or professional expertise excellence!

Degree programme-specific admission criteria

In addition to the general admission criteria stated above, all the master’s degree programmes have their own admission criteria. The admission criteria state the specific eligibility requirements and evaluation of applications. 

Please note that as the admission criteria are degree programme-specific, you must read the criteria for each of the degree programmes you are going to apply for.

General information about the entrance examinations

  • Detailed information will be sent to the applicants in the entrance examination invitations.
  • Entrance examination invitations are sent in the beginning of March by e-mail. 
  • Entrance examinations are arranged during March and April. 
  • In cases of equal admission scores, Jamk's applicants will be automatically ranked by a computerised lottery.

Candour ID identification

To be accepted as a student, the applicant must successfully identify themselves with a Candour ID application

The identification is done by taking a photo of a valid passport or a biometric EU/EEA identity card on the Candour ID application. For more information on identification, please refer to the entrance examination invitation letter.

Individual arrangements for entrance examination

If, due to disability, disease, dyslexia or some other specific reason, you need individual arrangements during the entrance exam, you have to submit a written request for individual arrangements.

Submit your request with the necessary attachments by 29 January 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.

The requests for individual arrangements are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Entry requirements: International Business Management

General entry requirements

Bachelor's level degree in the field of 

  • business (BBA in Business Administration or other equivalent business degree), or
  • natural science (BBA in Business Information Technology), or
  • hospitality management 


Two years (24 months) of work experience after the bachelor's degree in the field of

  •  business and administration or
  •  tourism and hospitality

Additional requirement: English language proficiency certificate (if necessary)

Applicants who have completed their bachelor's degree outside of Finland must submit an English language proficiency certificate.

The English language certificate is not required from those applicants, who 

have completed the bachelor's degree in English language in some of these countries:

  • a country of EU/EEA
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • the United States


have completed 55 ECTS credits of Master's level Management studies at Jamk or at another higher education institution approved by Jamk.

Student selection

The students for Jamk’s master’s degree programme in International Business Management are selected from two selection queues based on their educational background: 

  1. Interview, 50% of study places 
  2. Master's level management studies and interview, 50% of study places

English language proficiency certificate

The English language proficiency certificate must be submitted by 29 January 2025, 3.00 pm Finnish time. 

Only the tests listed below are accepted with no exceptions.

  • IELTS Academic: a minimum total score of 6.0 (Test sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking)
  • IELTS Academic UKVI: a minimum total score of 6.0 (Test sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking)
  • IELTS Academic Online: a minimum total score of 6.0 (Test sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking)
  • TOEFL Academic iBT: a minimum total score of 60 (Test sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing)
  • TOEFL Academic iBT Home Edition: : a minimum total score of 60 (Test sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing)
  • Pearson PTE Academic: a minimum total score of 55 (Test sections: Speaking and Writing, Reading, and Listening)
  • Pearson PTE UKVI: a minimum total score of 55 (Test sections: Speaking and Writing, Reading, and Listening)
  • Pearson PTE Academic Online: a minimum total score of 55 (Test sections: Speaking and Writing, Reading, and Listening)

Please notice that,

  • the test results are valid for two years
  • the test result must be valid starting from 8 January 2025 at the latest
  • the test results must be verifiable from the online verification service of the organiser
  • if possible, the applicant should choose Jamk University of Applied Sciences as the recipient of the results. Jamk University of Applied Sciences’ TOEFL code is 0719.

Entrance examination: Interview

All applicants who have demonstrated their eligibility will be invited to the entrance examination. The entrance examination includes an interview (max. 100 points). 

  • The entrance examination (group interview) will be held online on 25 March 2025.
  • You have to score at least 50 out of 100 points from the interview.

Please note that Jamk's International Business Management and Sport Business Management co-operate in entrance examinations. If you are applying for both of the degree programmes, you need to participate to only one interview. The interview scores are valid for both programmes.

55 ECTS credits of master's level management studies

If you have the required degree and work experience and you have completed or are completing 55 ECTS credits master's level management studies in Jamk or in higher education institution approved by Jamk you do not have to submit the English language proficiency certificate. 

Studies must be completed in

  • Jamk UAS: Master of Business Administration, International Business Management programme OR
  • Yenepoya (Deemed to be University), Mangalore, India: Master of Business Administration programme with a specialization in Business and Data Analytics, Hospital Administration and Medical Tourism, Logistics, Port and Supply Chain Management OR Marketing and Finance, offered by the Yenepoya Institute of Arts, Science, Commerce and Management (YIASCM), under the PG Department of Commerce and Management at Yenepoya (Deemed to be University), Mangalore, India OR
  • Humber College, Canada: the Humber Graduate Certificate program in Entrepreneurial Enterprise, Business Management (EE511); Business Management (EE511), Event Management (40511); Global Business Management (20841); Human Resources Management (02541); Marketing Management (02241); Project Management (31521) OR Supply Chain Management (10151) at the Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, Toronto, Canada

The applicants must have begun their studies (the first enrolment as an attending student) in autumn 2020 or later. 

Applicants with 55 ECTS credits completed in Jamk or in higher education institution approved by Jamk, must attach transcript of records to the online application:

  • 30 credits completed by 29 January 2025 at 3.00 pm Finnish time,
  • total 55 credits completed by 10 July 2025 at 3.00 pm Finnish time.

Entry requirements: Sport Business Management

General entry requirements

Bachelor’s degree in the field of

  • business or
  • natural science (BBA) or
  • sport /sport studies or
  • hospitality management


Two years (24 months) of work experience after the bachelor's degree in the field of

  • business and administration or
  • sport or
  • tourism and hospitality

Additional requirement: English language proficiency certificate (if necessary)

Applicants who have completed their bachelor's degree outside of Finland must submit an English language proficiency certificate.

The English language certificate is not required from those applicants, who 

have completed the bachelor's degree in English language in some of these countries:

  • a country of EU/EEA
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • the United States


have completed 55 ECTS credits of Master's level Management studies at Jamk or at another higher education institution approved by Jamk.

Student selection

The students for Jamk’s master’s degree programme in Sport Business Management are selected from two selection queues based on their educational background: 

  1. Interview, 50% of study places 
  2. Master's level management studies and interview, 50% of study places

English language proficiency certificate

The English language proficiency certificate must be submitted by 29 January 2025, 3.00 pm Finnish time. 

Only the tests listed below are accepted with no exceptions.

  • IELTS Academic: a minimum total score of 6.0 (Test sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking)
  • IELTS Academic UKVI: a minimum total score of 6.0 (Test sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking)
  • IELTS Academic Online: a minimum total score of 6.0 (Test sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking)
  • TOEFL Academic iBT: a minimum total score of 60 (Test sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing)
  • TOEFL Academic iBT Home Edition: : a minimum total score of 60 (Test sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing)
  • Pearson PTE Academic: a minimum total score of 55 (Test sections: Speaking and Writing, Reading, and Listening)
  • Pearson PTE UKVI: a minimum total score of 55 (Test sections: Speaking and Writing, Reading, and Listening)
  • Pearson PTE Academic Online: a minimum total score of 55 (Test sections: Speaking and Writing, Reading, and Listening)

Please notice that,

  • the test results are valid for two years
  • the test result must be valid starting from 8 January 2025 at the latest
  • the test results must be verifiable from the online verification service of the organiser
  • if possible, the applicant should choose Jamk University of Applied Sciences as the recipient of the results. Jamk University of Applied Sciences’ TOEFL code is 0719.

Entrance examination: Interview

All applicants who have demonstrated their eligibility will be invited to the entrance examination. The entrance examination includes an interview (max. 100 points). 

  • The entrance examination (group interview) will be held online on 28 March 2025.
  • You have to score at least 50 out of 100 points from the interview.

Please note that Jamk's International Business Management and Sport Business Management co-operate in entrance examinations. If you are applying for both of the degree programmes, you need to participate to only one interview. The interview scores are valid for both programmes.

55 ECTS credits of master's level management studies

If you have the required degree and work experience and you have completed or are completing 55 ECTS credits master's level management studies in Jamk or in higher education institution approved by Jamk you do not have to submit the English language proficiency certificate. 

Studies must be completed in

  • Jamk UAS: Master of Business Administration, Sport Business Management programme OR
  • Humber College, Canada: the Humber Graduate Certificate program in Sport Business Management (SB511) at the Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, Toronto, Canada

The applicants must have begun their studies (the first enrolment as an attending student) in autumn 2020 or later. 

Applicants with 55 ECTS credits completed in Jamk or in higher education institution approved by Jamk, must attach transcript of records to the online application:

  • 30 credits completed by 29 January 2025 at 3.00 pm Finnish time,
  • total 55 credits completed by 10 July 2025 at 3.00 pm Finnish time.

Entry requirements: Advanced Practice Nursing

Bachelor’s degree in Health Care, in the field of

  • nursing or
  • midwifery or
  • public health nursing or
  • paramedics


Two years (24 months) of work experience after the bachelor's degree in the field of social services and health care

Entrance examination: Advanced Practice Nursing

The entrance examination includes two mandatory parts: a pre-assignment (max. 40p.) and an interview (max. 60p.), altogether max. 100 points. The student selection is based on the total score of the entrance examination and pre-assignment.

Part 1: Pre-assignment

  • The questions are on the Studyinfo application when the application period begins.
  • The answers for the questions must be submitted to the application by 29 January 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. 
  • You have to score at least 20 out of 40 points in the pre-assignment for an invitation to the group interview (part 2).
  • The pre-assignment does not include pre-reading materials.

Part 2: Interview

  • The interview will be held online 11 - 13 March 2025 at 8 am – 2 pm Finnish time (backup interview day is 25 March 2025 at 9.30 am 12.30 pm Finnish time). The exact date and time will be announced in the interview invitation.
  • You have to score at least 20 out of 60 points in the group interview.
  • Applicant's English language skills will be assessed as a part of the entrance examination, thus, the entrance examination does not include a separate English language test.

Entrance examination: Sport and Exercise Physiotheraphy

The entrance examination includes two mandatory parts: a pre-assignment (max. 40p.) and an interview (max. 60p.), altogether max. 100 points. The student selection is based on the total score of the entrance examination and pre-assignment.

Part 1: Pre-assignment

  • The questions are on the Studyinfo application when the application period begins.
  • The answers for the questions must be submitted to the application by 29 January 2025 by 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. 
  • You have to score at least 20 out of 40 points in the pre-assignment for an invitation to the group interview (part 2).
  • The pre-assignment does not include pre-reading materials.

Part 2: Interview

  • The interview will be held online during weeks 11-13 (10 - 28 March 2025).
  • You have to score at least 20 out of 60 points in the group interview.
  • Applicant's English language skills will be assessed as a part of the entrance examination, thus, the entrance examination does not include a separate English language test.

Entrance examination: Pre-assignment and group interview

The entrance examination includes two mandatory parts: a pre-assignment (max. 50p.) and a group interview (max. 50p.), altogether max. 100 points. The student selection is based on the total score of the entrance examination and pre-assignment.

Part 1: Pre-assignment

  • The pre-assignment will be completed on GitLab platform.
  • All applicants will receive credentials to GitLab platform and instructions on the pre-assignment.
  • Please notice that invitation to the pre-assignment doesn't imply eligibility to the degree programme. Eligibility will be checked between the pre-assignment and the interviews.
  • The pre-assignment must be submitted by 16 February 2025 at 11.59 p.m. Finnish time.
  • You have to score at least 25 out of 50 points in the pre-assignment for an invitation to the group interview (part 2).
  • The pre-assignment does not include pre-reading materials.

Part 2: Group interview

  • The group interview will be held online (Teams, Zoom) during weeks 12-13 (17 - 30 March 2025).
  • You have to score at least 10 out of 50 points in the group interview.
  • Applicant's English language skills will be assessed as a part of the entrance examination, thus, the entrance examination does not include a separate English language test.

Entry requirements: Cyber Security

Bachelor’s degree in engineering in the field of

  • technology or
  • natural science (BBA in Business Information Technology)


Two years (24 months) of work experience after the bachelor's degree in the field of technology

Entrance examination: Pre-assignment and group interview

The entrance examination includes two mandatory parts: a pre-assignment (max. 50p.) and a group interview (max. 50p.), altogether max. 100 points. The student selection is based on the total score of the entrance examination and pre-assignment.

Part 1: Pre-assignment

  • The pre-assignment will be completed on GitLab platform.
  • All applicants will receive credentials to GitLab platform and instructions on the pre-assignment.
  • Please notice that invitation to the pre-assignment doesn't imply eligibility to the degree programme. Eligibility will be checked between the pre-assignment and the interviews.
  • The pre-assignment must be submitted by 16 February 2025 at 11.59 p.m. Finnish time.
  • You have to score at least 25 out of 50 points in the pre-assignment for an invitation to the group interview (part 2).
  • The pre-assignment does not include pre-reading materials.

Part 2: Group interview

  • The group interview will be held online (Teams, Zoom) during weeks 12-13 (17 - 30 March 2025).
  • You have to score at least 10 out of 50 points in the group interview.
  • Applicant's English language skills will be assessed as a part of the entrance examination, thus, the entrance examination does not include a separate English language test.

Entry requirements: Full Stack Software Development

Bachelor’s degree in engineering in the field of technology


Two years (24 months) of work experience after the bachelor's degree in the field of software technology (for example as a software developer)

Entrance examination: Pre-assignment and group interview

The entrance examination includes two mandatory parts: a pre-assignment (max. 50p.) and a group interview (max. 50p.), altogether max. 100 points. The student selection is based on the total score of the entrance examination and pre-assignment.

Part 1: Pre-assignment

  • The pre-assignment will be completed on GitLab platform.
  • All applicants will receive credentials to GitLab platform and instructions on the pre-assignment.
  • Please notice that invitation to the pre-assignment doesn't imply eligibility to the degree programme. Eligibility will be checked between the pre-assignment and the interviews.
  • The pre-assignment must be submitted by 16 February 2025 at 11.59 p.m. Finnish time.
  • You have to score at least 25 out of 50 points in the pre-assignment for an invitation to the group interview (part 2).
  • The pre-assignment does not include pre-reading materials.

Part 2: Group interview

  • The group interview will be held online (Teams, Zoom) during weeks 12-13 (17 - 30 March 2025).
  • You have to score at least 10 out of 50 points in the group interview.
  • Applicant's English language skills will be assessed as a part of the entrance examination, thus, the entrance examination does not include a separate English language test.

Entrance examination: Spoken part and written part

The entrance examination will be held online on 13 March 2025 at 17.00-19.00 / 5-7 p.m. Finnish time (UTC+2).

All applicants who have demonstrated their eligibility will be invited to the entrance examination. The entrance exam includes an spoken part (max 20 p.) and a written exam (max 80 p.). Total points from entrance examination are 100 points. The student selection is based on the total score of the entrance examination.

The applicant must score at least 

  • 5/20 points from the spoken part and 
  • 15/80 points from the written part

in order to pass the exam and have a chance to be admitted for the programme. Applicant's English language skills will be assessed as a part of the entrance examination, thus, the entrance examination does not include a separate English language test.

Entry requirements: Robotics

Bachelor’s degree in engineering in the field of technology


Two years (24 months) of work experience after the bachelor's degree in the field of technology

Entrance examination: Pre-assignment and group interview

The entrance examination includes two mandatory parts: a pre-assignment (max. 50p.) and a group interview (max. 50p.), altogether max. 100 points. The student selection is based on the total score of the entrance examination and pre-assignment.

Part 1: Pre-assignment

  • The pre-assignment will be completed on GitLab platform.
  • All applicants will receive credentials to GitLab platform and instructions on the pre-assignment.
  • Please notice that invitation to the pre-assignment doesn't imply eligibility to the degree programme. Eligibility will be checked between the pre-assignment and the interviews.
  • The pre-assignment must be submitted by 16 February 2025 at 11.59 p.m. Finnish time.
  • You have to score at least 25 out of 50 points in the pre-assignment for an invitation to the group interview (part 2).
  • The pre-assignment does not include pre-reading materials.

Part 2: Group interview

  • The group interview will be held online (Teams, Zoom) during weeks 12-13 (17 - 30 March 2025).
  • You have to score at least 10 out of 50 points in the group interview.
  • Applicant's English language skills will be assessed as a part of the entrance examination, thus, the entrance examination does not include a separate English language test.

Accept the study place

If you have been admitted to a study programme, you will receive a notification email from to the email address you have given on your application form.

  • Accept the study place by 10 July 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time OR
  • according to your personal deadline.
  • Admissions from the waiting lists end on 5 August 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time.
  • If you do not accept the offered study place by the given deadline, the study place is cancelled.

You can accept only one study place per academic term. Accepting a study place is a binding choice that cannot be cancelled or changed later. When you accept a study place, all other study place offers are cancelled. You cannot be accepted to other programmes starting in the same academic term after you have accepted a study place. 

You can accept the offer of admission with the link in the notification email that you have received. 

  • If you have a Finnish social security number and Finnish online banking credentials (with e-identification enabled), mobile certificate or an electronic ID-card, you can accept the admission offer on My Studyinfo.
  • If you cannot accept the offer of admission electronically, please contact Jamk Student Services: [email protected].  

When you accept the offer of admission electronically, you will receive an automatic email notifying you that the offer has been accepted successfully.

Tuition fees and scholarships

The tuition fee must be paid by 10 July 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time. ​​​Applicants who are required to pay the tuition fee will receive the admission letter and instructions how to pay the tuition fee for the first year. 

If you are exempted from paying the tuition fee, please attach a copy of your valid passport or national ID card where your citizenship is indicated, and/or a copy of the exempting document to the online application form.

Enroll for attendance / non-attendance

After you have accepted the study place, you need to register as a student in the higher education institution by the given deadline. This takes place as enrolling as an attending or non-attending student. Only students who have enrolled for attendance are entitled to complete degree-awarding studies, attend courses and to have their credits recorded.

  • Enroll for attendance by 10 July 2025 at 3.00 p.m. Finnish time OR
  • according to your personal schedule.
  • Enroll for attendance on when you are accepting the study place.
  • If you do not enroll by the given deadleadline, you will loose your study right.

In case you need to pay tuition fee, you will be enrolled as an attending student based on your payment:

  • Tuition fee payment of a first year student is considered as an indicator of enrolment as an attending student.
  • The enrolment for the first academic year is done on service on behalf of the student, based on their tuition fee payment. 
  • After the first year, students must enrol by themselves for attendance/non-attendance via the Peppi system of Jamk every semester during the enrolment period.

Enrolling for non-attendance

Students may enroll as non-attending students in the first year only if they are:

  • completing their Finnish military or civil service in accordance with the Conscription Act, Non-Military Service Act or Act on Women's Voluntary Military Service,
  • on maternity, paternity or parental leave or
  • incapable of commencing the studies due to personal illness or disability.

The absence must be verified with official documents during the enrollment period for Student Services. If the documents are insufficient or are not delivered during the enrollment period, the student will be registered as attending.

Changing the enrollment status

If you have already enrolled and want to change your enrollment status, contact Jamk Student Services: [email protected].

Residence permit

Non-EU/EEA students need a student residence permit for studying in Finland. The residence permits are granted by the Finnish Immigration Service.  

Start your residence permit process as soon as possible, carefully following the immigration authorities' instructions and regulations, so that you can receive your permit before your studies begin! Please note, that the residence permit application process might take over two months.

Please note that Jamk does not process the residence permit applications nor can give any advice or guidance regarding the application process. Please contact Finnish Migration Service in all issues regarding this matter.

Verification of original school documents by 30 September 2025

Please notice that the admission process is not final until the original final school documents have been submitted to Jamk's Admission Services on campus.

Please make sure you have your original school documents when you arrive to study at Jamk. 

  • The original final school documents must have been submitted to Jamk's Admission Services by 30 September 2025, 2.00 pm Finnish time at the latest.
  • The documents must be submitted personally at the Jamk’s campus.
  • Please notice that you must present an identification document (a passport, official ID-card with a photo or Finnish residence permit with a photo) when submitting and collecting the certificates.

If the documents have not been submitted personally by 30 September 2025 or you have given false or insufficient information concerning your certificates, the admitted study place is cancelled.

If you have questions about this, please contact [email protected].


If you are not satisfied with the student admission decision, please contact Jamk Admission Services by e-mail. If the student admission decision is still not reasonable, you may submit a written appeal within 14 days of receiving the notification of the decision.

Appeal based on personal circumstances (f.e. difficult life situation, misunderstanding, health reasons) will not be considered as valid reasons for appeal.

The written appeal must be well-grounded, and it must contain accurate information on where Jamk UAS has not followed the admission criteria.

The following information must be included:

  • contact details
  • the applied degree programme in question
  • which section of the admission criteria was not followed by Jamk
  • which section of the decision should be rectified
  • the grounds for the appeal
  • possible documents that are used as a basis of the appeal

Submit the appeal by post or by e-mail:

Jamk Study Affairs Board 

Rajakatu 35
40200 Jyväskylä, Finland


[email protected]

Please note that the appeal must be submitted for Jamk Study Affairs Board by the set deadline, regardless of the submitting mean.

The appeal will be reviewed by Jamk Study Affairs Board. The decision made by Jamk Study Affairs Board is announced to the applicant in written. The appeal process might take a few weeks.

Uusi tutkinto-opiskelija

Hienoa saada sinut joukkoomme! Tutustu uuden opiskelijan oppaaseemme, josta löydät kaiken tarvittavan tiedon opintojesi aloittamiseksi.

Tuition fees and scholarships

Read about the tuition fee and scholarship policy of Jamk UAS. The tuition fee for bachelor's degrees per academic year is 10 000€. The tuition fee for master's degrees per academic year is 12 000€. Scholarship available under certain conditions.

Usein kysyttyä hakemisesta

Katso täältä vastaukset usein kysyttyihin kysymyksiin tutkinto-opiskelijaksi hakemisesta! Sivulta löydät myös vinkkejä alavalintaan ja aikuisopiskeluun.

YAMK-tutkinnot | Jamk Master School

Opiskele ylempi ammattikorkeakoulututkinto Jamk Master Schoolissa, jossa voit valita kahdesta polusta ja kehittyä oman alasi huippuasiantuntijaksi tai huippujohtajaksi. Saat samalla maisteritason tutkinnon.

Hae opiskelemaan!

Haluatko seurata muiden jälkiä vai luoda oman polkusi? Ole oman elämäsi suunnannäyttäjä ja hae Jamkiin, uuden sukupolven korkeakouluun. Jamkissa kasvat asiantuntijaksi, joka on valmis huomisen haasteisiin.

Hakijapalveluiden yhteystiedot

Kuinka pääsen opiskelemaan? Ota yhteyttä hakijapalveluihin!