Video-Supported Collaborative Learning

Teachers are not often using video tools in a way that would contribute to developing conceptual thinking and problem solving skills as relevant work-life competences of the knowledge worker. There has been a need for e-competent teachers in utilizing e-learning with leading digital collaboration solutions. The same holds for pedagogical knowledge of designers in educational technology companies. 

large human eye with colourful spheres and lines around it

Bridging school and practice

Six HEIs-Teacher Education (HEIs-TE) and six Educational Technology Designers (ETDs) have been co-creating an evidence-based pedagogical model for Video-Supported Collaborative Learning. Culture for video-based e-learning and knowledge building was established through experimentation in teacher education and VET-students in practice.

ViSuAL has developed evidence-based hands-on pedagogy to utilize video-supported collaborative learning in teacher education and VET-schools. It also developed hands-on principles for a sustainable HEIs-TE and ETDs co-creation partnership. Last but not least ViSuAl developed pedagogical design principles and workable pedagogy practices for ETDs to enhance use of their products in education.

In the long run, ViSuAL was contributing to meet the modernization needs of European HEIs in advancing digital skills for learning and teaching. Due to the practical nature and provision of workable practices for transforming education, teacher will embrace the experimentations carried out in ViSuAL in local level and spread it trough their institutes. The insights gathered during the co-creation process have an impact for the innovation capacity of the companies in partnership with their stakeholders, customers and the HEIs as researchers, facilitators and design partners of the companies. The products and publications will be availabale as open source. | #ViSuAL_KA

Latest publications

The state-of-the-art review:

Pedagogical models for the facilitation of teacher professional development via video-supported collaborative learning

The growing use of video technologies has revealed the need for pedagogical models to support collaborative learning as part of teacher professionalization processes. A state-of-the-art review of 120 empirical studies from 2003 to 2019 identified pedagogical models for the facilitation of teachers’ professional development via video-supported collaborative learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education 2021, authors: Ramos et al.

Read the article  



In Finnish: Oman opetus- ja ohjaustyön videointi

Miten videointi taipuu reflektio-osaamisen kehittäjäksi? JAMKn tutkija-kehittäjät Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen ja Eila Burns kirjoittavat videota hyödyntävästä pedagogisesta toimintamallista, joka toimii Visual-hankkeen opettajankoulutuksen test-bedinä.

Lue Elinikäisen ohjauksen verkkolehdessä!

ViSuAL project's Mesh Guide

The pedagogical models outlined in this guide provide a range of examples of how videos can be used to promote active and deep learning in different subjects and to achieve different educational goals. The Guide also highlights the importance of professional agency, or professional autonomy in the making of pedagogical decisions.

Mesh Guide 

More information

Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen

Johtava tutkija, Principal Researcher
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education