The Higher Education Pedagogies for Teacher Education

We develop and strengthen the capacity of Rwandan higher education institutions focusing on quality teacher education in the HEP-TED project during 2024 - 2026.  

Kigali skyline, trees and bushes in front and cityview in the background.

Focused on quality teacher education

Our aim is dedicated to advancing sustainable development by enhancing the quality of teacher education at Rwanda Polytechnic and the College of Education at the University of Rwanda. This collaborative effort involves Rwandan higher education institutions (HEIs) working alongside Finnish partners, including the University of Helsinki, JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Tampere University, and Tampere University of Applied Sciences.

In response to Rwanda's "Vision 2050" and the National Strategy for Transformation 2017–2024, the project focuses on quality teacher education for general and technical/vocational education, addressing needs identified through a joint assessment.

HEP-TED envisions three outcomes: 


Enhanced management capacities within HEIs


Teacher Education
Improved teacher education quality


Strengthened cross-institutional collaboration

1. Enhanced management capacities to strengthen work-life relevance of teacher education

This outcome is dedicated to enhancing quality assurance mechanisms within higher education institutions (HEIs) by integrating them into both management and pedagogical development. Through ongoing improvements in pedagogy and programme delivery, we aim to cultivate a culture of accountability and proactive engagement in quality assurance processes. The positive outcomes of these efforts will be evident in improved student access to higher education, enhanced teaching and learning experiences, more effective assessment processes, smoother transitions for graduates into the labour market, and increased community engagement. 

2. Improved quality of teacher education through co-creation and pedagogical renewal towards competence-based approaches to higher learning

Our project is centred on the adoption of competence-based curricula and assessment throughout Rwanda’s education sector. This transformation requires changes in behaviours, practices, and pedagogies in both general teacher education and the training of TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) teachers.

To support this shift, we will provide training for both general and TVET teachers to enhance their knowledge and skills in competence-based curriculum and assessment, as well as in pedagogical approaches, including digital and distance learning.

3. Strengthened capacities for cross-institutional collaboration for continuous learning and pedagogical development

The third outcome recognizes that improving management capacities and the quality of teacher education is an ongoing process. It thrives on collaboration and exchange between higher education institutions, sharing their diverse expertise and experience to create contextualized theory-practice connections. 

Our goal in strengthening cross-institutional collaboration is to foster innovation, create a dynamic learning environment, and promote the sharing of best practices that will extend beyond the project’s duration. 

Jamk's role

Jamk’s specific role focuses on the use of diversified pedagogies for digital learning in teacher education. We will offer training on digital pedagogies for competence-based learning that will be directly linked with the teachers’ and researchers’ daily tasks or to existing courses and modules.

Jamk also trains a group of ‘digital tutors’, volunteer teachers in the HEIs in Rwanda who will offer for peer-to-peer support to lower the step for adopting digital tools for  teacher’s and researcher’s work.  We will offer training both onsite in Rwanda and digitally online.

The photo below is taken of a group of colleagues from Rwanda Polytechnic and the University of Rwanda during their visit to Jamk in June 2024. They were interested in discovering how quality assurance is organised at Jamk.

a group of people standing on Jamk's main campus


Coordinator: University of Helsinki, Finland

Partners in Rwanda: University of Rwanda and Rwanda Polytechnic

Partners in Finland: Tampere University, Tampere University of Applied Sciences and Jamk University of Applied Sciences. 

Read more about the partners on project webpage (

Project leader: 

Hanna Kontio

Project Lead, Key Expert 
University of Helsinki 
[email protected] 

Project team in Jamk

Eila Burns

Vanhempi tutkija, Senior Researcher
AOKK, erillisprojektit, School of Professional Teacher Education, separate projects
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

Siru Lehto

Yliopettaja, Principal Lecturer
Opettajankoulutus, Teacher Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

Henna Pernu

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Opettajankoulutus, Teacher Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

Mari Petäjä

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
Opettajankoulutus, Teacher Education
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

Heidi Oikari

Projektikoordinaattori, Project Coordinator
AOKK, erillisprojektit, School of Professional Teacher Education, separate projects
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education

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