Training and supporting the One-Stop Guidance Centres 2019–2022.

Happy project workers group hugging

The transdisciplinary One-Stop Guidance Centers (Ohjaamo) for young people are the most important activity started in Finland in the framework of the Social Guarantee for Young People. The One-Stop Guidance Centers around Finland act as low threshold meeting places and offer young people under 30 years of age personal advice, guidance and transdisciplinary support at one single service point.

Towards genuine transdisciplinary co-operation and guidance competences in One-Stop guidance Centres

The project helped the One-Stop Guidance Centers to develop their activities, so that transdisciplinary cooperation creates an integrated operating method and culture, both at the One-Stop Guidance Centers and in their networks. This will further improve the availability of services at the One-Stop Guidance Centers as well as their ability to provide services.

Services for the one stop guidance centres, text in the middle of the One-stop guidance center logo. Different coaching service logos with illustrated people characters around it.


for One-Stop Guidance Centres in Finland.


One-Stop Guidance Centres
were trained.


in Trainings.


TESSU2-project was a joint project of the School of Professional Teacher Education of JAMK University of Applied Sciences, the Professional Teacher Education Unit of Häme University of Applied Sciences and Åbo Akademi University.


Juha Hautanen

Päällikkö TKI, Head of Department R&D
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education