Relieving expert shortage by attracting international skilled workers and developing employer's knowledge in Central Finland

The aim of the REALIZE –project is to activate and coach employers in Central Finland in the recruitment of international talent. REALIZE seeks to promote and develop recruiting tools and practices related to the employment of international professionals and experts. REALIZE is a joint project of Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, and City of Jyväskylä in co-operation with Central Finland Chamber of commerce and Central Finland TE-services. The project is implemented 1.4.2020 - 31.5.2023 with the funding of the European Social Fund.

Join REALIZE project

Internationalizations starts from inside!

What REALIZE offers to your organization?

  • New tools and ways in recruiting international talents
  • Tailored help in recruiting international professionals and experts
  • New perspectives in overcoming challenges in the recruitment process
  •  An opportunity to participate in the development of recruiting tools and practices

What is the cost to your organization?

  • REALIZE is free of charge – you decide how much time and resources you want to invest in the REALIZE-activities
  • We care about your resources: You choose the REALIZE-tools and -activities that benefit your organization the most.
  • You can choose whether you participate in a single coaching event or a more comprehensive REALIZE-recruitment experiment.


Contact information

Sari Minkkinen | Project Manager | JAMK University of Applied Sciences

etunimi.sukunimi(a) | p. +358 46 920 0304

Anu Ojala | Työelämäasiantuntija | University of Jyväskylä

anu.m.ojala(a) | p. +358 40 352 3734

Tanja Oksa | Liaison Manager | City of Jyväskylä

etunimi.sukunimi(a) | p. +358 50 312 5358