RADIC Handbook - 1. Introduction

person holding a tablet device

This chapter introduces the concept of Digital Rehabilitation, which is a way to deliver rehabilitation services by using technologies. We will discuss how using apps, computers, and other digital tools can e.g. increase the quality of rehabilitation and improve the availability of services, and what are the key aspects to be taken into consideration before conducting Digital Rehabilitation. We'll also look at, with the help of concrete examples, how these technologies can support clients and rehabilitation professionals, making the rehabilitation process more flexible and tailored to individual needs.

The aim of this chapter is to explain the following topics:  

After you have gone through the content of chapter 1, you can carry out exercises to deepen the content: 


Exercise 1.

Think about whether you already had contact with Digital Rehabilitation. If so, reflect in which context, in which function, with which technology and if applicable in which phase of rehabilitation it was used.

Exercise 2.

Think about the benefits of Digital Rehabilitation/digitalization in the healthcare system in your country and discuss this with a friend or a colleague. 


  • Digital Rehabilitation is more than just adding technologies to rehabilitation. Digital Rehabilitation means that the whole rehabilitation process can be digitally driven.  
  • The biggest potential of Digital Rehabilitation in low-resource settings is to improve access to rehabilitation. 
  • Further advantages of Digital Rehabilitation are related to cost reduction and improved rehabilitation outcomes. From the client's perspective, the benefits may also include to lower stigmatization, reduced travel expenses, personalized rehabilitation, the possibility of peer-support and greater engagement in rehabilitation. 
  • The suitability of Digital Rehabilitation must be evaluated separately for each client based on the client's goals, needs and capability. Digital Rehabilitation can be used in many situations but there are no one fits all-solutions. 
  • Despite there are many advantages for clients, healthcare providers and the healthcare systems, the implementation of Digital Rehabilitation in the SSA remains low. To learn about the factors that are influencing the implementation of Digital Rehabilitation, go to chapter 5 ”Barriers and Facilitators”.
  • Currently the most frequent used technologies in the SSA region are text messaging, apps, and web-based platforms.