Literature - Chapter 3.

  1. Sætra HS, Fosch-Villaronga E. Healthcare Digitalisation and the Changing Nature of Work and Society. Healthcare. 2021 Aug 6;9(8):1007. 
  2. Stark AL, Krayter S, Dockweiler C. Competencies required by patients and health professionals regarding telerehabilitation: A scoping review. Digital Health. 2023;9. 
  3. World Health Organization, International Disability and Development Consortium. Capturing the difference we make: Community-based Rehabilitation Indicators Manual [Internet]. 2015. Available from:
  4. World Health Organization. Rehabilitation Competency Framework [Internet]. 2021. Available from:
  5. European Commission. Joint Research Centre. DigComp 2.2, The Digital Competence framework for citizens: with new examples of knowledge, skills and attitudes. [Internet]. LU: Publications Office; 2022 [cited 2024 Apr 15]. Available from:

Appendix: Questionnaire for rehabilitation professionals

Part 1: Demographic Profile

1.1. What is your profession?

o Occupational therapist 

o Physiotherapist 

o Prosthetist & orthotist

o Speech therapist 

o Other, please specify: ______________________

1.2. What is your age category?

o Under 30 years

o 30-39 Years

o 40-49 Years

o 50-59 Years

o 60 or more

o I prefer not to answer 

1.3 What is your sex?

o Male

o Female

o I prefer not to answer 

1.4. What is your highest qualification?

o Diploma

o Bachelor

o Masters

o PhD

1.5. Years of working experience as a rehabilitation professional:

o Less than 5 Years

o 5-9 Years

o 10-14 Years

o 15-19 Years

o 20-24 Years

o 25 Years or more

1.6. What is the level of your health facility?

o Health centre 

o District Hospital 

o Provincial Hospital 

o National Referral Hospital

o Other, Specify…………………..

1.7. What is the area category of your workplace? 

o Rural 

o Semi-urban 

o Urban

Part 2: Digital Competencies

Question: Are you able to do the following?

Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral  Agree



1.   Information and data literacy
1.1 Are you able to browse, search­ and filter data, information and digital content?
1.2 Are you able to evaluate data, information, and digital content?
1.3 Are you able to manage data, information, and digital content?
2. Communication and collaboration
2.1 Are you able to interact through digital technologies?
2.2 Are you able to share information through digital technologies?
2.3 Are you able to engage in citi­zenship through digital technologies?
 2.4 Are you able to collaborate through digital technol­ogies?
2.5 Are you able to netiquette (communicate on the internet?
2.6 Are you able to manage digital identity?
3.  Digital content creation
3.1 Are you able to develop digital content?
3.2 Are you able to integrate and re-elaborate digital content?
3.3 Are you able to apply rules of copyright and licenses related to data, digital information, and content?
3.4 Are you able to do programming?
4.  Safety
4.1 Are you able to protect devices?
4.2 Are you able to protect personal data and privacy?
4.3 Are you able to protect health and well-being?
4.4 Are you able to protect the environment?
5.  Problem solving
5.1 Are you able to solve technical problems?
5.2 Are you able to identify needs and technological responses?
5.3 Are you able to creatively use digital technologies?
5.4 Are you able to identify digital competence gaps?