3.2 Approaches to evaluate competencies

Rehabilitation professionals may assess to determine how well they fulfill the competencies for Digital Rehabilitation. Similarly, governments and stakeholders have a duty to ensure that those who possess the requisite competencies in Digital Rehabilitation provide services. Following are considerations for evaluation.

  • Framework for evaluation of digital competencies of rehabilitation professionals
    • Develop a specific assessment tool or questionnaires based on a competency framework.  For an example, take a look at the appendix. We have created a self-assessment that is based on the DigComp 2.2 framework. 

  • Observational Assessment
    • Conduct observational assessments to observe how clients and professionals interact with Digital Rehabilitationtools in real-life settings. This approach allows for the direct observation of competency levels and can provide valuable insights into areas that may require further support or training.

  • Performance Metrics
    • Establish performance metrics to measure the effectiveness of Digital Rehabilitation interventions. These metrics can include measures such as task completion rates, user satisfaction scores, and improvement in functional outcomes. Analyzing these metrics can help identify areas of strength and areas needing improvement in digital competencies.

  • Feedback Mechanisms
    • Implement feedback mechanisms to gather input from clients and professionals regarding their experiences with Digital Rehabilitation tools. This feedback can be collected through surveys, interviews, or focus groups and can provide valuable insights into usability issues, training needs, and areas for enhancement.

  • Assessing against criteria
    • Develop criteria for evaluating rehabilitation professionals’ digital competencies. You can think of the following: 
      • Rehabilitation professionals must have provided services for a minimum of 1 year
      • Area of practice
      • Digital platform used
      • Duration of evaluation: Be completed within 6 months