2.2 Important points for application

When considering the application of Digital Rehabilitation in East or Sub-Saharan Africa, several important points should be taken into account to ensure successful implementation and effectiveness. These points include:

  • The deployment of context-appropriate technologies such as wearable sensors and mHealth applications is essential to enhancing accessibility and effectiveness of rehabilitation services. These technologies provide cost-effective and scalable healthcare solutions [15].
  • Addressing low digital literacy levels by providing user-friendly interfaces, clear instructions, and educational materials to support understanding and engagement with Digital Rehabilitation programs. Offer training and support to enhance digital literacy among users.
  • Digital connectivity is vital for regional development, with the potential to accelerate progress in sectors including healthcare. Yet, the adoption of digital health technologies is hindered by challenges such as inadequate legal frameworks and ethical issues related to data ownership and privacy [16,17].
  • Holistic and individualized approaches that respect spiritual and traditional beliefs are crucial for successful rehabilitation, particularly for conditions like strokes. This ensures cultural relevance and community acceptance [18].
  • Digital preservation in academic libraries is crucial for sustaining digital resources, with cloud computing seen as a promising strategy. However, its adoption is low in places like South Africa, indicating a need for enhanced digital strategy implementation [19,20].
  • With the healthcare focus shifting towards non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Sub-Saharan Africa, accurate epidemiological data is essential. A coordinated political strategy that considers the uniqueness of each country is crucial to avoid implementation failures [21].
  • A comprehensive approach that includes cultural sensitivity, technological innovation, improved digital connectivity, strong legal and ethical frameworks, and strategic political engagement is necessary for the success of Digital Rehabilitation in East and Sub-Saharan Africa. This strategy addresses current and future healthcare challenges in the region.

By considering these important points, stakeholders can ensure that Digital Rehabilitation initiatives in East and Sub Saharan Africa are tailored to the needs of the population, culturally appropriate, accessible, and effective in improving rehabilitation outcomes and enhancing the well-being of individuals in the region. For more information on possible strategies to apply Digital Rehabilitation while overcoming this potential barriers, go to chapter 5.