1.3 Definitions of Terminologies

There are varieties of terms that are used in combination with Digital Rehabilitation, as synonyms or to define specific digital services. Therefore, in the following part we define these terms that are frequently used in this context in order to give a clear idea of the terms and to be able to distinguish between them. These definitions were established by the DIRENE project consortium. The consortium developed these definitions based on current literature. DIRENE was an Erasmus+ project that ran from April 2021 to March 2023. DIRENE is an acronym for "Competences for the new era of user-driven digital rehabilitation". Click on the link to learn more about the DIRENE project


Telehealth involves the provision of healthcare services at a distance and can be delivered by healthcare professionals of all kinds using information and communication technologies. It aims to exchange valid information for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease and injury, for research and evaluation, and for the education of healthcare providers, all in the interest of promoting the health of individuals and their communities.


Telerehabilitation is nowadays understood to be a process of providing rehabilitation services through digital technologies. The authorized rehabilitation professional cannot necessarily be present on site but initiates the necessary therapeutic measures remotely. Telerehabilitation is normally provided through videoconferencing solutions such a Zoom or videoconferencing solutions especially designed for rehabilitation. In some cases, it can be also provided through traditional telecommunication systems (phone). 

Mobile health

Mobile Health (mHealth) is the medical and public health practices supported by mobile devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, client monitoring devices, and personal digital assistants.

E-health/Digital health 

The term "electronic health" (abbreviated to "e-health") or “digital health” covers electronically supported activities and systems in the healthcare sector that collect, make available and/or evaluate patient data and other medical information across distances, using technologies that are not yet considered standard. E-health/Digital health is understood by many authors as a generic term for all such electronic applications for medical care. It is difficult to draw a distinction from "telemedicine"; these terms are often used as synonyms.

Video therapy 

Video therapy is understood as an intervention that takes place synchronously via means of video conferencing. Video therapy can take place 1:1, i.e. between a therapist and a client or between several interaction partners. The amount of time during which the therapy takes place can vary and is not specified by the definition of the term.


Gamification is an umbrella term and is the application of game-typical elements to non-game contexts, such as rehabilitation or the work environment, to improve adherence, engagement or productivity levels.

Digital Divide

Digital Divide can be described as the gap between people who have access to the internet and those who do not. Globally, the digital divide between the sub-Saharan African region and the rest of the world is much more pronounced than the divide within the region.