Online interaction – well-being at educational organisations (HyPe)

By researching and strengthening the ways of interaction and the sense of community in online environments, the HyPe -coaching pilot supports vocational educational organisations to develop well-being at work.

An illustration including a large computer screen and small people pointing to it. On the screen an adult person is smiling with a speech bubble next to them.

New development programme titled as TYÖ2030 (WORK2030) was launched in 2020. The programme aims to create new ways of working and initiatives in co-operation with workplaces and industries. The purpose of it is to improve employment, economy and global competitiveness as well as the brand of Finland's working life. The TYÖ2030 programme also supports small scale projects that concentrate on the issues affecting the Finnish working life at the moment. One of such projects is Online interaction – well-being at educational organisations (in Finnish Vuorovaikutus verkossa - hyvinvointia oppilaitokseen), HyPe.

The HyPe -project is designed as a coaching pilot that focuses on studying interaction that builds, maintains and strengthens the sense of community and psychological safety when working in digital environments. In the pilot, using dialogical skills in an online environment will also be experimented. The aim is to support participants in identifying different ways of online interaction and communication that strengthen the sense of belonging, participation and well-being in the work community. 

The project is part of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences's project "Pedagoginen hyvinvointi (HyPe) – työhyvinvoinnin ja tuottavuuden risteyksessä".  

The practice-based research

Alongside with the coaching process, a practice-based research will be carried out. It aims to discover views of employees in Vocational Education and Training (VET) organisations on the sense of community and its implementation as well as ideas for their further development in digital environments. The data will consist of written materials and online focus-group discussions.  


The results from the research will be published in a final seminar on 21.3.2023 in Helsinki and online. More information on the event website (in Finnish): 

Osaaminen ponnistaa hyvinvoinnista! -seminaari

Osaaminen ponnistaa hyvinvoinnista! -seminaari järjestetään 21.3.2023 hybridisti Haaga-Helian Pasilan kampuksella ja verkossa. 


Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen

Johtava tutkija, Principal Researcher
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education