ICRT Finland
Better places for people to live, and better places for people to visit. Come and join the International Centre for Responsible Tourism (ICRT) Finland network! #ICRTFinland
Responsible Tourism
The characteristics of RT as defined in the Cape Town Declaration are very generic; it is for destinations and enterprises to determine their priorities in the light of the environmental and socio-cultural characteristics of the destination. Diversity, transparency and respect are core values.
All forms of tourism can be more responsible. Progress relies on “all stakeholders taking responsibility for creating better forms of tourism and realising these aspirations.” Responsible Tourism relishes “the diversity of our world’s cultures, habitats and species and the wealth of our cultural and natural heritage” and therefore accepts “that responsible and sustainable tourism will be achieved in different ways in different places.” The Declaration emphasises that it is only at the local level, where tourists and locals interact, that tourism can be sustainably managed.
Read more about Responsible Tourism and the Cape Town Declaration
Join our Intensive Online Seminar Week from 18.3. to 22.3.2024

Intensive Online Seminar Week
ICRT Finland
The ICRT Finland was established in 2015 as an Affiliate Centre of the hub ICRT. The network welcomes anybody interested in Responsible Tourism (RT): practitioners, branches and individual supporters.
The international network of ICRTs share a common commitment to the 2002 Cape Town Declaration on Responsible Tourism in Destinations and work severally and together to further its objectives. The hub ICRT is located in the UK and run by Harold Goodwin, Director of Research & International Partnerships, Hub ICRT. Currently there are 11 national Affiliate Centres round the world, e.g. in Canada, Australia and South Africa. Read more about hub ICRT
Core Objectives
- to share information and knowledge on current issues in Responsible Tourism
- to encourage and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences among Responsible Tourism academics and practitioners
- to run RT related conferences and workshops together with various stakeholders
- to undertake research on the practice of RT to create knowledge about the impacts of RT strategies and to determine which approaches are most successful in achieving the objectives of RT
- to provide training on RT on Bachelor and Master level both independently and in association with the hub ICRT
ICRT on Social Media
Contact information
If you are interested in promoting Responsible Tourism, join the network! You can contact us at icrtfinland(at)jamk.fi