
Learning about new bio-based products and materials – Boosting European citizens knowLedge and awareness of biOeconOMy research and innovation (BLOOM)

BLOOM project boosts European citizens knowledge and awareness of bioeconomy research and innovation. It operates with stakeholders in BLOOM hubs that locate around Europe. BLOOM establishes open dialogues between civil society, bioeconomy innovation networks, local research centers, business and industry stakeholders and various levels of government including the European Commission.

BLOOM aims to

  • raise awareness and enhances knowledge on bioeconomy by enabling open and informed dialogue throughout the bioeconomy innovation processes
  • build up and strengthen a bioeconomy community,
  • facilitate a common understanding of the concept, providing reliable insights into bioeconomies, its practices, benefits and implications and
  • foster learning and education.

With these aims in mind, the project will contribute towards dismantling existing barriers that impede the development of a bioeconomy and bioeconomy activities at the regional and EU level.

The Nordic hub of BLOOM focuses in wood

BLOOM operates through five regional hubs: the Austrian and German hub, Spanish hub, Polish hub, Dutch hub and the Nordic hub. The hubs have different bioeconomy focus areas, such as agriculture and food, biochemicals and bioplastics, innovative circular materials and wood-based products. The Nordic hub focuses on forest bioeconomy and wood-based products and it includes Finland and Sweden. The Finnish part of the Nordic hub locates in Central Finland and elaborates in Bioeconomy Campus.

Follow the activities of the Nordic hub here.

The contact person of Central Finland Hub is Project Manager Kirsi Knuuttila in Bioeconomy Institute of JAMK University of Applied Sciences, kirsi.knuuttila(at)

What is BLOOM project?

The official name of BLOOM is Boosting European citizens knowLedge and awareness of biOeconOMy research and innovation (BLOOM). It is Horizon 2020 project and is carried out in 11/2017-10/2020. BLOOM is coordinated by Zentrum für Soziale Innovation GmbH (AT). Other partners are Wissenschaftsladen Bonn (DE), Wageningen Research (NL), European Schoolnet (BE), Otelo eGen (AT), Global EcoVillage Network – Europe (ES), Campus de Excelencia Internacional en Agroalimentación (ES), Copernicus Science Centre (PL), Uniwersytet Rolniczy Im. Hugona Kollatajaw Krakowie (PL), Vetenskap & Allmänhet (SE), JAMK University of Applied Sciences (FI) and Ecosocial Forum Europe (AT).


For further information look up BLOOM website and BLOOM social media sites:

Twitter: @BLOOM_EU | Facebook: BLOOM EU | Instagram: @BLOOM_EU | LinkedIn: BLOOM EU

Kirsi Knuuttila

Projektipäällikkö, Project Manager
Biotalousinstituutti, Institute of Bioeconomy
Teknologia, School of Technology