Pricing & Registration

Why you should register for AgriVenture Finland 2023
AgriVenture Finland 2023 is a unique event focusing on agri & food tech and the sustainable food chain. It is the place to make game-changing connections with investors, partners, and new valuable customers.
You will have access to innovative and promising startups dedicated to agri & food tech and the sustainable food chain. Our matchmaking app and startup database make it easy for you to find exactly who you're looking for! We can provide you with a database of the participating startups and generate a list of the startups that match your criteria – find the missing piece!
Companies, organisations & ecosystems
AgriVenture brings together the coolest and most innovative startups, investors, corporate executives, experts from a wide range of organisations, community developers as well primary producers and other end-users. AgriVenture Finland 2023 festival gives you first-hand access to all of them! You’ll have access to our matchmaking app where you can physically meet attendees on-site.
The heart of AgriVenture will be a stage program full of inspiration in rustic and genuine rural setting. Prominent expert key-note speakers will ignite your fire to keep the entrepreneurial and innovation drive at the highest level. Discover new startups, products, and services.
Exhibit your company or organizational portfolio at an exhibition booth. Attend real-world demonstrations in a genuine rural environment or organize a demonstration of your product or service.
Primary producers/Farmers
By attending the event you will be able to explore the latest developments in agri and food tech, which ultimately will affect the future of farming. Meet the people behind this increasingly fast development, get involved in discussions and make your voice heard!
AgriVenture Finland 2023: Important Dates, Pricing & Registration
15.4.2023: Early Bird Registration Deadline
30.4.2023: Pitching Contest Registration Deadline
7.-8.6.2023: THE Event!
(Early Bird/Late Bird)
- Start-ups: 199/219€, incl. entrance for both days and networking dinner for 1 person
- Larger Companies, Organisations, Developers, Researchers: 249/299€, incl. entrance for both days and networking dinner for 1 person
- Investors: 299/359€, incl. entrance for both days and networking dinner for 1 person
- Demonstration and/or Exhibition Booth: 349/419€, incl. Exhbition booth and opportunity for demonstration, entrance for both days and networking dinner for 2 persons.
- Primary producers/farmers: 99/119€, incl. entrance for both days
- Primary producers/farmers: 148/178€ (+ VAT 24%), €, incl. entrance for both days and networking dinner for 1 person
- Students: 49/59€, incl. entrance for both days
- Networking Dinner Ticket only (1 person): 49/59€
- One day ticket Wednesday (without networking dinner) 159€
- One day ticket Thursday 159€
VAT 24% will be added to all prices at invoicing.
Please read these delivery terms carefully before accepting your reservation. Once tickets are purchased, they can neither be changed or refunded.