
Health Care Specialist participate in the SmartCHANGE reseach

Tiina Riuttanen
Tiina Riuttanen

Jamk University of Applied Sciences is the only Finnish operator involved in the international SmartCHANGE research project. Likes' research team invited Jamk's Healthcare Specialists to SmartCHANGE's participatory research.

Henkilö polkee kuntopyörää ja iloisia henkilöitä venytysasennoissa.

In the SmartCHANGE project, artificial intelligence is used to develop a prediction model in which the health risk in adulthood can be predicted based on childhood health habits. A web-based tool will be created for professionals and a mobile application for young people to support towards the healthiest lifestyles.

Motivated atmosphere in the group

Likes' role in SmartCHANGE research is to generate health data for the prediction model and to develop and test the application with healthcare professionals and teenagers.

Two groups of healthcare professionals and experts have been assembled. From Likes, the groups are guided by Anu Kangasniemi and Kirsti Siekkinen. They encouraged Jamk´s health care specialists to join the group.

"I work as a Digital Health Specialist, so the content and implementation of SmartCHANGE are the core of my expertise", says Mervi Kuustie, who is a nurse by training, has a master's degree in health sciences and has completed engineering studies in the IT field at the IT Institute.

Senior Lecturer Heidi Pasonen says that at Jamk, expertise is recognized and recognized across the organization. It is worth taking advantage of these opportunities.

The group's meetings have had an enthusiastic and motivated atmosphere. Experiences and views are shared at the meetings.

Anu Kangasniemi describes that the group's meetings have had an enthusiastic and motivated atmosphere. Experiences and views are shared at the meetings.

"Positive feelings have remained from the group's meetings. The meetings are warm-hearted and an appreciative atmosphere", praises Heidi.

Mervi confirms that from the beginning essential issues have been tackled from the point of view of the nurse's work. The meetings have been empowering.

Support for young people's healthy lifestyles

Children's and young people's lifestyles, such as sufficient physical activity, sleep and healthy nutrition, lay the groundwork for future physical functioning, well-being and ability to cope at work in adulthood. It is especially important to identify and support those young people who are at risk of developing lifestyle diseases and chronic illnessis.

"Many young people are aware of these issues. The attitude is very individual. It is influenced by both the young person's own personality with their interests and skills, as well as the environment with its various opportunities. The application built in SmartCHANGE will be very useful for young people", says Mervi Kuustie.

Heidi Pasonen recognizes polarization here as well; some young people are interested and thing these issues are important - and then there is a group that takes a different approach.

"The digital environment challenges young people. Time passes easily on the screen, and as a result, movement may be limited and sleep may be delayed. These, in turn, can affect eating habits and, for example, the increased use of energy drinks," Heidi reflects.

AI is already being used in many places to improve access to information and operations - why not also in promoting health.

The SmartCHANGE research brings artificial intelligence into health promotion. Mervi states that artificial intelligence is already being used in many places to improve access to information and operations - why not also in promoting health. Artificial intelligence could be used for versatile and more efficient data acquisition, for example in disease prevention and self-care.

Heidi Pasonen (left), Mervi Kuustie, Anu Kangasniemi, Laura Saarela, Katja Kokkinen, Pauliina Soanvaara, Tuija Kontinen ja Kirsti Siekkinen meet and share experiences in the SmartCHANGE participatory research.