Solutions from digitalization and platform solutions to a renewed and sustainable chemical industry

Kemira Plc. is seeking for partners to develop digital tools and platforms to manage their raw material flows and their pricing, and offers the selected teams possibility for long-term business cooperation. During the Hackathon process you have access to professional sparring and experts’ know how free-of-charge, as well as opportunity to network with the sponsoring company and the other participants. Participation in the Hackathon is completely free-of-charge!
The opportunities and business models of digitalization and platform economy will bring new business opportunities as the traditional chemical industry moves on to extensively utilize renewable resources instead of fossil raw materials. How can digitalization, platform economy and digital business models contribute to the chemical industry's transition towards renewable and sustainable raw materials, away from fossil raw materials? How can the digital world and the traditional chemical industry be brought together to support the on-going transformation from fossil resources to bio-based raw materials?
The availability of fossil raw materials and the logics of trade in chemical industry are based on certain prevailing income logics, production methods and technologies. As the chemical industry increasingly shifts to utilising bio-based raw materials along with waste and side streams from domestic and international suppliers, the complexity of supply chains will increase, the number of potential suppliers will increase, the quality variation of materials will increase and predictability will decrease. New digital platforms are needed to manage raw material flows and their pricing. The platform could also, for example, anticipate changes in availability and look for optimal routes to bring the buyer and seller together. Platform-based business models could also enable a better consideration of the sustainability perspective, for example in the pricing of raw materials.
Hackathon aims to highlight the opportunities offered by digitalization and platform solutions to build new business models and concepts that support the green transition of chemical industry.
#greentransition #digitalization #platforms #platformeconomy #businessmodels #chemicalindustry #biobasedmaterials
What is KemiraHackathon?
BioPaavo and Kasvu Open, in cooperation with Kemira Oyj, are opening a hackathon that aims to find solutions to promote the availability of renewable raw materials and green transition in chemical industry. Hackathon aims to highlight the opportunities offered by digitalization and platform solutions to build new business models and concepts that support the green transition of chemical industry.
Kemira Plc is the world's leading manufacturer of sustainable chemical solutions for water-intensive industries. It focuses on the pulp and paper, oil and gas industries and water treatment. In 2020, Kemira's net sales were approximately EUR 2.4 billion and the number of employees was approximately 5 000. Kemira's shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. Sustainability is an essential part of Kemira's strategy and value creation for customers.
Hackathon is open to all interested parties: companies, research institutes, educational organizations and students, as well as other actors. Your team can be made up of representatives of your organization, or you can form a team that crosses organizational boundaries for this very challenge!
Participating in the Hackathon is completely free of charge, and the participants only need to cover their own costs from joining in the Kick off and Hackathon days.
More detailed rules for participation:
The jury consists of representatives from Kemira Plc, BioPaavo by Jamk, Kasvu Open and representatives from two other expert organizations.
Why participate?
- Find new business opportunities
- Get to network with other participants
- You have the opportunity to develop long-term business cooperation with the sponsoring company Kemira Oyj
- As a finalist, you will have access to the experts’ know how and support in refining your solutions and building cooperation with the sponsoring company
Submit your application describing briefly your idea and team by Sunday February 6th, 2022 at the latest. The preliminary proposal must describe the solution in its main dimensions, as well as an assessment of its feasibility and the partners and resources needed for commercializing it.
The ideas and teams selected for the follow-up will be published on Wednesday February 9th, 2022.
The Kick-Off event will be held on Wednesday February 16th, 2022, when the participating teams will meet each other and representatives of the sponsoring company. You can participate in the Kick-Off event via online tools.
Hackathon Days are organized on March 9-10th, 2022. On Thursday, March 10th, 2022 at the end of the day the winner team(s) will be selected. You can participate in the Hackathon event either in BioPaavo in Saarijärvi or via online tools.
Find more detailed timetable as pdf file.
Sign up!
Registration has ended for KemiraHackathon. Registered teams will be notified shortly by email about the progress. Thanks to everyone who signed up for the hackathon!
Here's a webropol link:
For more information
Senior Expert Annimari Lehtomäki, BioPaavo: [email protected], tel. +358 50 464 2563
Senior Manager (R&D and Technology) Jani Saarinen, Kemira Plc: [email protected],
tel. +358 50 563 2353
BioPaavo by JAMK is a Bioeconomy Business Accelerator that aims to create new business and globally significant solutions to combat climate change in the international bioeconomy environment. BioPaavo's key tasks are to develop bioeconomy business and create sustainable business based on new innovations, utilizing new technologies and digitalization, developing abilities and know-how, and building business networks and ecosystems. BioPaavo is a project funded by the Regional Council of Central Finland with the support of the European Regional Development Fund.
In collaboration with
KasvuOpen Ltd. is a non-profit subsidiary of the Central Finland Chamber of Commerce, whose core idea is to make growth companies and top experts come together. KasvuOpen is a nationwide sparring programme for growth companies. KasvuOpen's sparring process has been applied from the Growth Runway method developed by Mr. Marko Seppä, Professor of growth business operations at the University of Jyväskylä, and his team.
Download the KemiraHackathon Invitation as pdf file.
Lataa KemiraHackathonin suomenkielinen kutsu (pdf)
Welcome to solve the challenge!