
Teacher Preparation Programme through ODL Mode for Enhancing Quality in Education (TPP-Nepal)

view over Kathmandu City in Nepal

Cooperation in Nepal

Jamk's School of Professional Teacher Education has developed education in Nepal for several years. During 2017-2020 was implemented the Teacher Preparation Programme through ODL Mode for Enhancing Quality in Education (TPP-Nepal).

Duration of the project: 1 March 2017–30 March 2020
Financier: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland, HEI ICI programme
Project Manager: Tuovi Leppänen

Project partners, 16 adults sitting and standing in front of a wall with text Learning together


Teacher Preparation Programme through ODL Mode for Enhancing Quality in Education (TPP-Nepal Project) is a capacity development project between Tribhuvan University, Nepal and Jamk University of Applied Sciences together with HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland. The partnership has been established during a previous project, Training of Trainers for the Teacher Qualification Upgrading Programme in Nepal (ToT Nepal), that ended in 2015.

In Nepal, the Ministry of Education has introduced a School Sector Development Plan (SSDP) to improve the quality and relevance of education. Ministry has identified a specific need for qualified teachers in math, science and social studies that calls for easily available upgrading programs for teachers across Nepal. Open and Distance Learning (ODL) provides a tool for equitable access to qualification upgrading programs that is accessible also for remote areas and to teachers that are unable to attend classes regularly on campus.

With a share of 88 per cent of Higher Education student enrolment in Nepal through its main, constituent and affiliated campuses, Tribhuvan University (TU) has a key role in implementation of the SSDP. Through providing flexible ODL programmes for secondary level teachers who are currently working with insufficient degree level, TU-FoE can play its part in implementing the Teacher Qualification Upgrading Program for 13,000 working teachers in secondary level schools across Nepal. Qualified teachers equal improved learning results contributing to the academic achievement and employability of the youth of Nepal.

TTP Nepal project contributes to result areas 1-3 of the HEI ICI programme. ODL programmes in math, science and social studies are developed with 30 self-learning material packages for TU-FoE and Regional Campuses. With wider ODL supply, regional campaigns and improved teacher competence, the aim is to increase student enrolment in ODL programmes. 

News and blog posts

News in TPP-Nepal -project
Nepal map


The Higher Education Institutions Institutional Cooperation Instrument (HEI ICI) supports cooperation projects between higher education institutions in Finland and the developing world. The projects support the HEIs as they develop their subject-specific, methodological, educational and administrative capacity. The programme is funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and administered by the Finnish National Agency for Education. 

Jamk's RDI projects in Nepal

Get to know also our previous as well as some of the latest projects. 

Developing Pedagogy for 21st Century Skills Nepal

HEI-ICI projects tackling the global learning crisis: In Nepal strengthening the capacity of higher education to enhance equal access to education through digital learning opportunities.

EATHEN in Nepal

EATHEN in Nepal – Supporting the Nepalese universities in their development towards inclusive management and practices

Other projects in Nepal

Previous projects in Nepal, linked to TPP-Nepal: Training of Trainers for Teacher Qualification Upgrading Programme in Nepal (ToT) 2013-2015, and HOPE - Holistic Partnership in Social Work and Health Care Education project 2007-2015.

More information

Juha Hautanen

Päällikkö TKI, Head of Department R&D
AOKK TKI&Palvelut, Professional Teacher Education, RDI and Services
Ammatillinen opettajakorkeakoulu, Professional Teacher Education