Game Technologies and Esports

Jamk brings together expertise development related to game technologies and esports. Our goal is to become the globally most recognized and esteemed university utilizing game technologies and esports through national and international RDI activities.

Multidisciplinary expertise in the modern industry

Game technologies and esports are among the emerging fields linked to Jamk's strategy, identified to comprehensively meet future skill needs. Game technologies are widely utilized across industries beyond the gaming sector, thus expertise in this field will increasingly connect to areas such as management, evolving learning, and renewable industry in the future.

Expertise and education related to this field at Jamk are strongly future-oriented – at the core of our operations lie research, development, and innovation activities carried out in collaboration with the business sector. GamePit by Jamk has also been recognized as a reliable and knowledgeable brand in the gaming and esports industry.


Game technologies and esports are also a visible part of Jamk from a student's perspective. In addition to the international Business Information Technology degree program focused on game development, Jamk also offers other ICT sector education programs, through which students have the opportunity to learn in a practical manner in different operational environments and to interact with actors in the gaming and esports industry. Practical training, project-based study, and thesis work are at the heart of work-oriented student cooperation.

Jamk is also an esports-friendly university – we aim to support the student's goal-oriented elite sports career in competitive gaming as well. Active student team activities, university leagues and tournaments, as well as our communal gaming space, GamePit Pro, are available to every student regardless of their field of study. Additionally, we offer varying esports-related project studies and elective course implementations.

Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Game Production, Business Information Technology

Application period: 3.1.2024 - 17.1.2024

Study mode:

Full-time studies

Education starts: 19.8.2024

Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor of Engineering, Information and Communication Technology

Application period: 8.1.2025 - 22.1.2025

Study mode:

Full-time studies

Education starts: 18.8.2025

Bachelor's Degree

Tradenomi (AMK), tietojenkäsittely, päivätoteutus

Application period: 13.3.2024 - 27.3.2024

Study mode:


Education starts: 19.8.2024

Explore esports and game technology projects

The goal of RDI activities focused on gaming at Jamk is to foster the use of game technologies across various sectors and to create new business models and expertise for the esports industry. To achieve these goals, investments are made in the development of hardware and operating environments as well as themes of entrepreneurship, management, and well-being.

The expert community focuses on funding applications for RDI projects and prepares multidisciplinary projects among different units at Jamk, as well as with national and international stakeholders.

Finnish Future Farm

Implementation time: 1.9.2023 - 30.6.2026

Unit: School of Technology

Financing program: Just Transition Fund (JTF)

Central Finland's center of expertise in esports

Implementation time: 1.2.2023 - 30.4.2025

Unit: School of Business

Financing program: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027

SimO - Monialainen simulaatioiden harjoitus-, koulutus- ja tutkimuskeskus virtuaalisissa ja reaalimaailman toimintaympäristöissä

Implementation time: 1.11.2021 - 30.6.2023

Unit: School of Health and Social Studies

Financing program: AKKE Supporting the sustainable growth and vitality of regions


Our research activities are intertwined with the active development of game technologies and the esports industry, and we focus our research initiatives on areas such as coaching, performance measurement, and business-related aspects. Our experts create future possibilities and inspire new generations towards a gamified future.

Active collaboration with stakeholders across different fields as well as with research and educational institutions enables multidisciplinary development work. For example, in 2023, a study was conducted on the development of goal-oriented Counter Strike enthusiasts and the differences between local and remote coaching. The research was carried out in collaboration with Sport Business by Jamk and ENCE.

E-urheiluvalmennuksen tutkimus

Sport Business by Jamk sekä GamePit by Jamk toteuttavat syksyn 2023 aikana tutkimuksen, jonka tavoitteena on selvittää etä- ja lähivalmennuksen eroja 15–20-vuotiaiden, tavoitteellisesti harjoittelevien Counter Strike -pelaajien kehittymisessä.

Versatile environments

Modern operating environments related to game technologies and electronic sports at Jamk are diverse and available for students, staff and private usage. The most visible part of our operations is GamePit Pro gaming facility, in addition to which we also offer space and service solutions for audiovisual productions.

GamePit Pro

GamePit Pro is a top-tier esports facility, available for rent for various events and occasions. The versatile space is suitable for team training, meetings or training sessions, corporate team building or a gaming night with friends.

Tailored services

We also offer our expertise through service products related to game technologies and esports. We tailor solutions according to the customer's needs, for example, for building a game or multimedia facility, IT environments, or online productions.

Specialist Services

Preliminary research for multimedia facility supporting esport activities

Preliminary study on a multimedia facility provides a comprehensive specification of what the facility should be like, how to arrange the equipment within the facility, and the equipment and network requirements for a modern multimedia facility.

Specialist Services

IT environment for Esport activities

The IT environment for esports includes a set of programs that allows you to save time on manual work, improve data security, and facilitate user management.

Education and development

Stream coaching

The three-part coaching introduces content streaming to the most popular online platforms using the Streamlabs software. The coaching includes introduction of streaming software, good practices, and involves guest speakers.

Contact me regarding


Tuomas Rauhansalo

Vanhempi asiantuntija, Senior Advisor
Matkailu ja palvelut, Tourism and Service Business
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Hanna Hauvala

Vanhempi asiantuntija, Senior Advisor
Matkailu ja palvelut, Tourism and Service Business
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Elmo Hämäläinen

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Matkailu ja palvelut, Tourism and Service Business
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Veerti Pekonniemi

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Matkailu ja palvelut, Tourism and Service Business
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Katja Kokkinen

Lehtori, Senior Lecturer
HYVI T&K, Research and Development
Hyvinvointi, School of Health and Social Studies

Game technologies

Timo Puukko

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Matkailu ja palvelut, Tourism and Service Business
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Jani Seppälä

Asiantuntija, Specialist
Matkailu ja palvelut, Tourism and Service Business
Liiketoiminta, School of Business


Perttu Leppä

Tutkija, Researcher
Matkailu ja palvelut, Tourism and Service Business
Liiketoiminta, School of Business

Heikki Peltonen

Tuntiopettaja (päätoiminen), Lecturer
Global Competence, Global Competence
Liiketoiminta, School of Business